#78• Simon Imagine

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Requested: khole1357

Theme: Sad

Warning: cheating



Khole's Pov.

I scrolled through what's trending on twitter and I couldn't ignore all of the pictures that made me feel sick to the stomach. It's not true. I kept reminding myself of that. He's loyal! I shouted those two words in my head as I drove home early from work.

All over the internet has been rumors of my boyfriend, Simon cheating on me. Was it true? I left work early cause it was eating me up inside. I had to confront him about it.

I park the car queitly, and unlock the house door. I clutched onto my middle length brown hair out of nerves. What if he was? I stepped into the dim house. First sign; black heels at the door. Were they mine? I tried to convince myself they were.

Second sign; smell of perfume. Maybe a friend was over to collab? I walked over to our ajar bedroom door and peeked in. There he was. With another woman. In our bed.

I felt my heart break on cue, no, it can't be true. But it is. His blue eyes made contact with my hazel, tear filled eyes. He jumped up immediately.



I grabbed my handbag and raced down the steps before he had a chance to get out of bed. Why does it hurt so much? My vision was blurred with my tears but I still managed to get into my car and dial my best friend. He picked up almost immediately.

"Hey!" He said cheerfully. I tried to speak but I didnt trust my voice to, knowing it would break on me. I tried to silence my cries but he could hear them.

"Oh-what's wrong? What happened," Tobi asked worriedly.

"C-can I come over?" I stutter out weakly to which he said of course.

I drove quickly to his apartment and knocked on the door. Why did he cheat? Did he not love me? Was I not good enough? Did he love her? My thoughts were interrupted when, in one quick motion the door swung open and I was pulled into a warm comforting hug by Tobi.

He pulled me inside to his nice cosy place and sat me on the couch. I couldn't keep it in, I cried, I let it all out onto him. He didn't mind at all and just held me like I needed him to.

After my tears were all out I pulled back and started to explain everything to him. When I told him that Simon cheated, Tobi nearly leapt out of his seat. He was furious.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD HE DO THAT? IS HE STUPID! ANY GUY WOULD BE LUCKY TO HAVE YOU. WTF!?" I grabbed onto his shirt sleeve and pulled him down back onto the couch. He murmered an apology and then started to comfort me.

"You're staying here the night okay? In the morning you can go over and grab some clothes and stuff yeah?" He asked, I nodded numbly.

~In the morning~

I spent the entire night crying, I couldn't control myself. But now, I have to be strong. I was in my car driving as slow as possible and honestly just thinking about turning around. But I didn't. I parked my car. The door was still unlocked.

"Okay, in and out. Don't look at him," I chanted those words to myself.  I opened the door and I saw his figure on the couch sobbing. My heart hurt even more to see him like this, it brought more tears to my eyes. His head snapped towards me and he jumped up.

His eyes were red and puffy. He scrambled closer to me. No, in and out.

I tore my gaze away from him and marched up the stairs and grabbed out my suitcase. I grabbed the first pile of clothes and shoved them in.  I went to grab another but a hand stopped me.

I didn't need to look at him to know that it was Simon.

"P-please...don't go," his voice cracked, he bit his lip to keep in his new wave of tears.

In and out.

I pulled my hand away harshly and grabbed the pile shoving it into the suitcase. I heard him mumbling to himself that he was sorry. He sank down to floor against the wall in a ball of depression and regret.

He started to hit his head with his fist while mumbling 'stupid' and I couldn't watch anymore. I quickly got down to his level and grabbed both of his hands to stop him from harming himself further.

"Simon stop!" I said sternly making him look at me. I saw all the pain in his eyes and he saw all the pain in mine.

"Please, don't go,"

"My mother said to never forgive a cheater...," I recalled her words of advice to me. Simon sat there is silence for a moment then spoke.

"She might be right. You can find someone who will treat you right, but you will never find someone who loves you as much as I do...please give me one more chance." He begged and started sobbing again.

I bit my lip in conflict. What do I do? My heart told me to stay, whereas my head told me to leave. I decided to do neither.

"Simon, you really hurt me. I can't forgive you now, but I'm willing to be hopeful that over time. I can trust you again. Just give me time. Because I do still love you,"


There you go I hoped you liked it ❤❤

It is now 7:25am🖒

Published 27.8.17
Edited 15.9. 17

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