#76• Harry Imagine

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Requested: EmilyZside

Theme: Happy/fluff

Warning: None


Emily's POV.

I helped Harry set up all the lights, I did the last one while he then set up the camera for the live question and answer we were going to be doing for our fans.

Harry and I have been dating for a whole year now and we've got nothing but support from both our fans. We both met at a Youtube event that we got to go to. I've been doing Youtube for maybe 3 years now and it's given me so many beautiful opportunities such as meeting Harry for example.

I set myself up on our bed as I waited patientally for Harry to finish up. I could see myself through the lens of the black expensive camera. I wore a white crop top with donuts on it that had pink glaze and sprinkles on it.

My blonde hair fell over my shoulders and my bright blue dyed tips stood out nicely. I wore just some cute grey skinny jeans that matched my eyes and went together well with my shirt.

Harry flopped on the bed beside as he started the live Q&A. We waved and smiled cheerfully at the camera. On the side of the camera was Harry's laptop that showed us all of the fans comments and questions that they were posting and a small video of us so we knew if we were in the frame or not.

The questions rolled through at an alarming rate as they usually did. Harry searched through some until he found one that he liked.

"@Harry&Emily4ever asked, how did you first meet?" Harry says turning and smiling to me. I grin remembering how it had happened. I decided to answer this question.

"Well, we were actually both at this Youtube event, and I was getting flirted with by another youtuber who I wasn't interested in. Harry saw that I was uncomfortable and came up and started to pretend to be my boyfriend making the other guy go away. Then he actually asked my out," I smiled and blushed remembering that night clearly.

"Okay my go to pick a question..." I scan through the thousands of comments and found one that I liked.

"@AlwayswatchingMIC, asks, what was it like meeting Emily's parents?" I giggle and turn my head to Harry making my hair flick over my shoulder.

He chuckled and then started to explain.

"I remember that I was so nervous, but we went to their family home and her mother answered the door and I could see where Emily gets all of her beauty from. Her mother was lovely and she was so welcoming..."

"...and my father?" I press, smirking at him.

"Hehe, yeah, well that's what I was really nervous about. He was in the kitchen helping cook dinner and turns out he was actually pretty nice. Emily made him seem like some military strict soldier to scare me." He grumbled but couldn't hide his smile.

We took a few more questions and I was having a lot of fun remembering all the good times and learning more about each other.

"Okay so we are now going to ask each other one question each and then we will have to say goodbye to you guys. As always, ladies first," Harry smiled at me playfully bowing. I rolled my eyes and thought of a good question to ask him.

"Okay, I got one...what was you're first impression of me honestly?" I ask curiously wondering what his answer would be. He shyly looks down making my heart flutter slightly from his cuteness.

"Well, you were wearing this beautiful red dress which caught my eyes which you looked gorgeous in which is probably why you were getting a lot of eyes on you that night. I know I couldn't keep my eyes away. When I saw that man flirt with you I became jealous, even though you weren't mine and I wanted to change that..."

I stared at Harry in awe, how did I get so lucky to have him as my boyfriend? My thoughts were swiped away when he started talking again.

"Okay my question then I'm guessing?" Harry asked to which I nodded my head waiting for him to think. His eyes brightened when he had thought of his question.

"Ohhh I got one," he stood up in excitement making me grin. What was it? Instead of sitting back down on the bed he knelt down to one knee.

"Emily, will you marry me?" He asked smiling shyly with a nervousness to it. I gasp as happy tears formed in my eyes. I completely forgot about the camera when he pulled out the ring, it was beautiful.

It felt like I had no words, so instead I nodded my head quickly multiple times and finally said yes. He slid the ring on my finger, we were both smiling widely feeling even more love for one another. He stood up and I wrapped my hands around his neck hugging him out of joy.

We pulled apart as I remember that we were still live. The comments were going crazy, I've never seen such choas, people were already sharing he video like crazy, many congratulations comments and so much more that made me even happier.

"For your question, I left one thing out. When I first saw you, I knew you were the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and marry. Now I can."


There you go I hoped you liked it ❤❤

Published: 11.8.17
Edited: 14.9.17

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