#92• Tobi Imagine

745 15 2


Requested: jcamp1703

Theme: Fluff, a little sad?

Warnings: None?

I didn't know if you wanted your name in it or not xx and btw Tobi can sing in this haha


My warm sheets kept me cacooned to my bed. Just as I was about to slip into my dream a small sound dragged me back to reality. Tap. Tap. I groaned in annoyance and peeked out from the warmth of the covers like a turtle peeking out from its shell.

I ungracefully slid out of bed and glanced at my alarm clock. 2:41am. Great. I was in my pajamas as expected with my slightly messy bed hair. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and then I heard the sound again. Tap. I located where it was coming from, my window.

I pulled back the black curtain and glanced down. It was almost pitch black but the street lights made it a lot easier to see.

My room was the second story and to see a face at my window definitely woke me up to say the least. I jump back in fright and could hear his laugh through the glass. I roll my eyes when I realize what was happening.

My boyfriend, Tobi was at the window. He had climbed up the tall old tree and was tapping at the window at past 2 in the morning. I open up the window for him letting him climb through. 

Already I know why he's here. He lives a few streets down and his parents must of been fighting again. They don't fight very often but it's becoming more frequent and worse. Whenever that happened Tobi can't stand staying in the house and comes over to mine.

I'd prefer him here then at his house where he can't sleep cause all he can hear is his parents screaming their heads of. He was still in his pajamas I checked quickly to make sure there was no tears. None.

Good, he got out before it got too bad.

Sometimes he has come in crying and it hurts to see him like that. He knows he's always welcome at my house. My parents love him but at the moment they were out on a business trip.

"I'm so tired," he whines and I nod my head agreeing. I jump back into bed and lift the covers for him. He slides in under me. Not even a second later his warm strong arms were wrapped around my waist pulling me towards him. 

He made me feel so much more warmer and safer. I loved cuddling with him, he played with my hair and soon my eyelids were becoming heavy. His sweet voice started to sing a song that I didn't recognize but sounded beautiful. His voice was like an angel and his touch was soft making it feel like heaven going to sleep. 

His soulful voice being the last thing I heard when I fell asleep. What a perfect way to go to bed.

Tobi's POV.

I stopped singing when she fell asleep but I continued to play with her soft light hair. Her chest rose and fell as she breathed and I couldn't help but stay awake and stare at the girl I could call mine.

She was beautiful in every single way imaginable. Her eyes I could stare into all day if she let me, how was I so lucky?

"Y/N...I know you can't hear me but I just wish you knew how much you mean to me. God your so perfect..." I breath out. I lean down and kiss her forehead lightly.

"You are my safe place. When my parents fight you are there for me. Whenever I tap on your window crying or not you let me in without a question or complaint no matter the time. I don't know what I would do without you," I confess meaning every single word.

Her hair moved slightly as I breathed. Goosebumps rose on her neck as she slept. It sounds cringy to say all this but I honestly love her so much. To think what I would be doing right now if I never met Y/N.

I'd be in my room, trying to block out my parents yelling voices, crying wet tears and inevitable not being able to sleep. But that doesn't happen anymore.

Now I have Y/N and that doesn't happen anymore. Now I have something to look forward to everyday when I wake up. Now I have someone who I care about more than myself. Someone I would do anything to protect.

I close my eyes as I rest my head against my pillow and keep my arms wrapped securely around her warm body. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep. This is my favorite way to fall asleep.  With her by my side.


There you go I hoped you liked it ❤❤


Published: 8.10.17
Edited: 10.10.17

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