#53• Josh Imagine

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Requested: CaraMaeMinter

Theme: Sad - Happy

Warnings: Swearing


Cara's POV.

I hated her being here. Why does she have to keep coming here? Her excuse was that she still had stuff at Josh's house but you couldn't find anything else of hers.

Sarah, Josh's ex girlfriend kept coming around to 'get her stuff.' You could tell Josh wanted her gone as well. They broke up for a reason, he's with me now. Can't she just except that?

She has long black hair that framed her make up covered face. She would send me glares when Josh wasn't looking and I had no problem sending them back.

"Hey Josh where is the bathroom again?" She asked in a fake sweet voice smiling widely.  Josh huffed in annoyance and smiled apologetically at me.

They walked upstairs towards the bathroom as I busied myself downstairs. I cleaned up the kitchen a bit waiting for him to come down stairs.

Josh and I had been together now for nearly a year and I love him. I really do, every time I see him he makes me smile and laugh. Josh and I are happy together and now we just need Sarah out of our lives.

I can definitely see why he broke up with her, I can't see what he saw in her when they were dating though. Josh told me she cheated on him and he left her straight away.

I grew an instant dislike for her. It's been 5 minutes. How long does it take to show someone the bathroom? I grow curious and find myself walking up the stairs towards the bathroom. The door was open and the two were nowhere to be seen.

I walk quietly over towards the door and when I walk in I see them two kissing!! WHAT!

Josh's POV.

"Sarah just hurry up, and leave. I want you out of my house and life!" I whispered so Cara wouldn't come in and get worried.

"Oh come on Josh, you remember all the fun we used to have..." Before I could even reply she had her lips around mine and her hands pushing me against a wall.

At the exact same time Cara's walked in. It took me a few seconds to process that she was kissing me and I instantly shoved her off of me.

"How could you Josh! After everything? Even after she cheated you still chose her! What the hell is wrong with you! We're done!" Cara stares at us two with tears in her eyes.

I go to explain that she came onto me, but Cara just shook her head and ran out the house. Shit.

I glare at Sarah and yell at her for to get out. I've never raised my voice at her but I've had enough. She scrambles up and runs out the house and hopefully for good.

I grab out my phone after I hear Cara's car pull out of the garage and her drive off. I grab out my phone and call her hoping she will answer but of course she didn't. 

I know she would go to her best friends house so I rang her friend. She answers after the 3rd ring.

"Hello Josh, Cara has already rang and told me she's on her way and has told me what happened so you better explain yourself before I hit you with with baseball bat." She speaks calmly but you could hear the threat in her voice.

I quickly explain myself to her that Sarah came onto me and I shoved her off but Cara only saw the kissing part.

"Well my suggestion is you come over soon and explain it to her, maybe bring flowers or something." She suggests.

"Okay see you soon," I hang up and grab my keys and jump into my car determined to make things right as quickly as possible. I drive down to the store. Cara would be at her friends house soon.

I pick out a beautiful bunch of flowers for her and pay for them. I get back into my car and drive to her friends house. It only took me 10 minutes until I was standing out front knocking on the door, flowers in hand waiting impatiently.

Cara opened the door, her eyes were red and puffy from crying, she looked at me wide eyed and went to shut the door but I stuck my foot out and stopped. 

"Please let me explain." I pleaded. She thinks and opens the door up again and let's me in.

"Look, I know what you saw definitely looked like we just kissed but she came onto me and kissed me just as you walked through the door and as I realized what was happening I shoved her away. I promise I would never cheat on you," My eyes were slightly watering.

I see a grin appear on her face and she jumps and hugs me and apologising for overreacting. I smile knowing she had believed me and I hand her the flowers. She smiles widely and kisses me deeply.

"Ready to go home babe?" I say and she nods happily and quickly says a thank you to her friend and we leave to our home that will now hopefully have no more ex's inside.


There you go I hoped you liked it xx


Next is an Ethan Imagine :)

Published: 11.3.17
Edited: 14.9.17

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