#7• Josh Imagine

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Requested: TheSidemensBae12

Theme: Angry

Warning: Swearing

Ally's POV.

This was the third week in a row that Josh forgot about our date nights. We wouldn't always go one dates, sometimes we just spent time together and enjoying each others company.

But so far he's missed each one with the same excuse 'he forgot'. I was stuck sitting on the couch waiting for him to return from the Sidemen house. I understood he was a busy man but we have barely spent any time together for nearly a month.

I was getting sick of him making promises that he would be there but ends up not showing. It was 3am and he still wasn't home yet.

I got up off of the couch getting ready to go upstairs to sleep as I tied my brown hair into a messy bun. I stopped when I heard the door knob rattle. He's home. Took him long enough...

I usually don't get mad or annoyed at him but I think I had a right to be. He opened up the door and walked right in and kissed me. I didn't kiss back, I could smell and slightly taste the alcohol.

He had been drinking, he wasn't drunk but slightly tipsy. I was over it. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me before going upstairs with him following me like a puppy.

"What's wrong babe?" he questioned. I scoffed, what's wrong? Really? I turned around facing him and I just felt so forgotten like he didn't even care.

"Josh this is the third date night in a row you have missed. I understand your busy but don't promise your going to be here when you not." I could feel myself getting angrier by the minute.

Josh gave me his repetitive excuse the 'oh sorry I forgot'. I groaned in annoyance.

"So you forgot about me and our plans. Good to know that you actually care about this!" I raised my voice slightly.


This time I didn't yell back. I could feel the tears form in my eyes and regret filled his face. I didn't think I was being clingy?

I just wanted to spend some time with my boyfriend, is that too much to ask? If he really wanted me to leave him alone then that's what he gets.

I ran upstairs letting a couple tears shed as his harsh words repeated in my head.


I bolted into our shared bedroom and grabbed my backpack throwing random clothes and things inside. Josh came in seconds later and saw what I was doing but I didn't look at him.

I felt so betrayed and like I was the only one that cared about this relationship. I felt like I had everything when I felt a hand stop me from walking out.

Josh told me to look at him but I stared at the ground and pushed past him.

"Sorry Josh, wouldn't want to be annoying and nosy." I said quoted what he called me only moments before. I heard him call my name but I was already out the door and on the phone trying to call Simon, my brother.

That's how Josh and I met, through my brother. Simon had picked up after the fourth ring considering it was 3 in the morning.

He groaned sounding very tired but I heard him shuffles when he heard me sniff back tears.

"Ally? What's wrong?" He panickly rushed through the phone. I told him what happened and he said he would be there soon since he didn't live far.

I was standing in the streets with my cute onesie on but I didn't care about being out on the streets wearing my pj's.

Only a minute later my brother pulled up and wrapped me in his warm protective arms as I cried. I just wanted to sleep. I was tired and this fight has done my head in.

Simon could see me nearly falling asleep and quickly drove me back to his house as he ranted about killing Josh. I didn't speak the entire time, just listened and tried to stay awake.

We got to Simon house and I put my bag in the spare room, kissed my brother goodnight on the cheek and laid in bed tossing and turning because my phone going off, probably from Josh.

I turned it off and in a couple of minutes I was in a much needed sleep.

//Time Skip//

Simon had helped me in the morning as I talked about what happened a little more and Simon was really helpful. I hadn't dared turned my phone on not wanting to see the messages.

I missed Josh but what he said did really hurt me. It was 10 in the morning when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and answered it for Simon and instantly got my breath taken away by suprise.

It was Josh. A red puffy eyed, tired, tear stained face Josh. Simon had gotten up off of the couch and went to tell him to leave but I held my finger up to stop him.

"Can we talk Ally?" He croaked out, throat obviously sore. Simon took this as a hint to leave the room and give us some privacy.

"Ally I'm so so sorry for what I said last night and I know I'm a horrible boyfriend and I promise you you're not clingy nor annoying and I'm sorry for not spending time with you. I'm so sorry for not giving you what you deserve and want!" Josh spoke filled with emotion.

He started rambling on about how sorry he was but he didn't know that I already forgave him. I stopped his fast talking by pushing my lips onto his and giving him the hint.

I had my Josh back.


There you go Ally I hoped you liked it ❤


Make sure to vote, comment, request. Ily xx

Published: 26.7.16

Edited: 6.9.17

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