#41• Simon Imagine

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Requested: care_bear2326

Theme: Sad

Warnings: Hitting, Swearing


Sophie's POV. 

I quickly threw some shorts on and a crop top. Then I chucked my long brown hair up in a cute bun. Simon was out hanging out with his brother while I decided to hang out with Josh and watch movies.

We had always been close, he was my best friend. I absolutely loved Simon and I couldn't wait till he came home so we could spend some time together. We put on a new comedy movie and halfway through we were both dying of laughter rolling around on the couch.

That's when I heard the doorknob jiggle and I knew Simon. He stepped in smiling but his smile instantly turns into a look of disgust when he sees us two.

"What's wrong babe?" I say now not laughing and putting my full attention on him.

"Are you fucking serious?! I come home to you and Josh being all laughing on the couch and rolling around together. I always knew you would cheat with me. Such a slut!" His fists clenched and I got up feeling very offended.

John took this as his time to step in.

"Look man we were just watching a movie that's all we were d-" Josh started but Simon seethed and yelled for him to get out. Josh did as asked and I felt my blood boil.

"What the hell! Why did you kick him out? He's our best friend!" I raise my voice slightly. Simons eyes flared in red hot anger and stepped closer.

"Yeah friends! Of course I knew you would say that! You're always with him! How long have you been cheating on me!?" Simon yells going red and his veins look about to burst.

I feel a slight pang in my chest. After everything I've done for him and he accuses me of cheating?

"Simon for fuck sake you're just saying crap now! I would never cheat on you! I love you god dammit!" I yell feeling just as angry.

"Bullshit! Just go back to Josh and go love him like I know you do! I'm obviously not good enough for you," he accused. I couldn't believe he was saying all of this. What got into him?

"I love you, but you know what, if you really think I don't and that I love Josh. Fine. I'll just go to him, he treats me better than you anyway!" I shoot back. I didn't mean it in that way. Not really. I would never leave Simon for Josh but he has been treating me better as a FRIEND.

Simon raged very quickly. He took a gaint step forward and raised his large hand smacking it hard across my face. My head shook and pain spread across my body as I fell to the ground taking a glass vase with me that smashed onto the ground. 

My cheek stung like crazy. I snap my head to look up at Simon with fresh painful tears in my blue eyes. His eyes soften and tears welled in his eyes. He looked completely shocked and devastated.

"I-Im sorry. I-I don't know what-I just I-Oh my god I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?" Panic rose in his voice but I didn't want to be anywhere near him right now. I can't believe he hit me!

Before even trying to listen to his apology I scramble up from the ground and run to my room and pack almost everything I needed, ignoring his pleas and cries.

I run out the door slamming it behind me. I pull out my phone as tears stream onto my face. I got to Josh and call him without another thought. I was now on the side of the streets when Josh answered.

"Hey Sophie! What happened?" He rushed through his end already probably grabbing his keys.

"C-can you pick me up please?" I stutter still crying. It only took 5 minutes for him to pull up and run out of his car to pull me into a friendly comforting hug.

We get into his car and I explain what happened when he left. He blamed himself for leaving but I told him it was none of our fault. Simons now lost me.

Josh took me back to his house and said I can stay here as long as I need to. I thanked Josh a million times. I ignored all of the calls and text from Simon that I had got in the past hour.

I fell asleep missing Simon.

*6 months later*

"Hey Josh, what's for breakfast?" I ask smiling getting out of bed to the smell of food.

"Bacon and eggs. I've got to go record a Sidemen video and they are all coming over here. Is that okay?" he asked nervously.  It wasn't my house and it's his job so I said I had no problem with it.

"But Simon is going to be there?" he said unsure. I nodded biting into my hot food. I had indeed missing him so much but he eventually gave up and stopped calling. Everyone tells me he changed since I left.

I did as well. I still hate to admit it but I miss him and Josh can see I do. The doorbell rang and all the boys came crashing in before I could hide up in my room away from Simon. I didn't want to see him.

He saw me and I saw him. All my hatred for him melted away once I saw him. Our eyes softened and the boys left to give us a moment.

"Sophie, I know what I did was wrong but I need y-" He started but I grind and kissed him forgetting everything that had happened and melted into the kiss. We pulled apart smiling probably for the first time in 6 months.

"So does this mean we are back together?" he said hopefully. I nodded smiling and pecked his lips once more.


There you go I hoped you liked it xx

Published 24.11.16
Edited: 16.9.17

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