#108• Tobi Imagine

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Requested: AbzieSDMN

Song: Demons by Imagine Dragons

Warnings: None


Abi's POV.

'I want to hide the truth, I want to shelter you.'

How long could I keep this up for? How long could I hide the truth?
I can't protect him forever.
I can't protect him from myself.

I didn't know until I was five years old. I was so scared. Then it started to come out more often.

My dark side.
My evil side.
My demon side.

Being part demon has become a burden on my life and I can't let it be a burden on my boyfriend Tobi as well. He doesn't deserve any of this.

How would you react if your girlfriend said she was part demon? Not well I would guess. Tobi walked back into the room as the camera started recording. I was helping him with his new video just like I have many times before.

My demon side came out whenever I was nervous, angry or scared. Right now I was feeling very nervous and I tried to hide the beast inside.

'But with the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide.'

The video was started and I could feel my demon rising. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. I bit my lip hard and thankfully Tobi didn't notice. I opened my eyes and relaxed. It had passed. That was yet another close one.

We continued with the video and it went fine. Tobi kissed my cheek and thanked me. I smiled and said a quiet no worries as he walked off to edit his new video featuring me.

I got off the seat and went for a shower to cool myself down. I didn't shoot many videos with Tobi but I did enjoy doing it. Of course, sometimes I would freak out before and have to calm myself down. My life was a constant worry and lie.

Tobi's POV.

I sat at my desk with the newly shot video in front of me on the screen. I heard the shower run and Abi must have gone for one. I love Abi, she was the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. She was perfect and so was our relationship.

'Look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide'

I was half way through editing and I watched the next part but something stuck out to me. Abi tensed up beside me on the video. Her eyes went a dark full hell red. I've never seen anything like it. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists. Moments later she reopened her eyes and they were still red but quickly faded away.

What the hell was that?!

I zoomed in and replayed it. It was no trick. It wasn't the first time I'd seen it. I saw it a week ago for a split second and I thought it was a trick of light. But it wasn't and neither was this. The shower stopped and it felt like my heart did as well.

Who was Abi?
What was she?
I was going to talk to her.

Abi's POV.

I walked into Tobi's room and saw him waiting for me with his arms crossed. I look behind him and see on his screen, a zoomed in picture of my face. My eyes, an undeniable red.

'Don't get too close, it's dark inside'

"Explain now," Tobi was tense and I felt myself starting to freak out. I clenched my fists and Tobi noticed it. He stepped closer to me.

"Your are doing it again Abi!" He stepped closer again.

"Stay back Tobi, don't get too close."

"Why not?"

I looked at him and he stepped back in shock. It was like he was looking into my soul. I breathed deeply and calmed myself down. My eyes went back to normal but Tobi stared at me.

"What are you?"

"I'm part demon. I'm sorry Tobi,"

"Why didn't you tell me!?"

"Why do you think! You're going to leave me now or expose me!" I could feel my tears start to well in my eyes.

'I don't want to let you down, but I am hell bound'

"Leave you? Why would I leave you?"

I look up at him unsure. Was he going to stay? But why?

"Im a demon Tobi, don't you get that? I am a part of hell! I never wanted to let you down or scare you away," I reply trying to stop the tears.

"I don't care what you are! I know who you are. You are my girlfriend that I love. I'm not letting you go. You are kind, funny and you are perfect to me," Tobi's words made my heart smile and melt.

'It's woven in my soul, I need to let you go,'

"What if I hurt you Tobi? I couldn't live with myself. Being a demon is in my nature. It's who I am. I can't be selfish. I love you but I need to let you go. You need to be safe and if it's away from me. Then so be it," I cried.

I had to be strong.
I had to let him go.

He shook his head and stepped closer. Closer. I kept my eyes on him. What was he going to do? Leave? Stay? Run? He stepped even closer and his face was in front of mine. His hands cupped my cheeks and made me look at him.

"I'm not leaving. I will help you through this. I will stay with you. I will help you get through this. I'm going to be with you every step of the way cause that's what you do when you love someone. You look past their flaws. You cherish and support them."

I look at him lovingly. He accepts me. He leans in and his lips touch mine sweetly.

'I can't escape this now, unless you show me how.'


There you go I hoped you liked it xx
I really enjoy writing this ❤

Published: 8.11.17

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