#95• Simon Imagine Part 2

830 23 2


Requested: carebear2326

Theme: sad/Happy

Warnings: torture


There was this girl who is a complete bully at my school and she walked around my friends and I and was like "Jeez fucking walk slow enough," so I said "Jeez fucking talk loud enough," ugh I don't like her :/

Sophie's POV.

I crawled back but the chains stopped me from getting away, tears were freely falling from my eyes as I stared at the man I love who couldn't even look at me anymore.

"I'm sorry Sophie, but you're a demon and I'm a demon hunter. This is my job, and you are my target now. C'mon boys, lets do this,"


The chains dug into my wrist as they dragged me back to the house. Simon didn't even look at me. My back was cut by the rough rocks and sharp sticks on the ground. They carried me into the house I had lived in.

The house that I called home that I was now a prisoner to. With the boys I grew to love, that now will be my killers. They saw me as their family, now only known as the target.

JJ and Ethan unchained me and quickly replaced the chains with ones that will stop me from changing into my demon form. They shackled me down in the middle of the living room.

They moved out all of the furniture so it was just me kneeling on the ground with my arms forced out by the chains. I wasn't going to let them break. I had to at least prove thay I wasn't going to give up or go down without a fight.

"You alright with this Simon?" Josh asked while getting his whip ready and stood behind me. I looked at Simon and he looked at me.

"Do it,"

My heart broke right then and there. I felt betrayed. Simon looked into my eyes and saw the heart ache and looked away.

Josh lifted his arm back and slammed it down with force making the whip with bladed edges cut into my back. I groaned but I refused to satisfy them with my pain.

He did it again, another slash on my back. Another groan. Another and another. I wanted to shout at them to stop. I wanted to scream in pain. But I didn't. Soon it reached 20 slashes in the back and I could see a small pool of my blood on the ground. I couldn't move my torn back.

"You're up Harry," I lifted my head and say Simon standing in the corner of the room looking at me. Pain was etched into my face and I knew the rest of the Sidemen wanted to hear me scream, to admit defeat.

Harry grabbed his black bow and armed it. He aimed and fired right into my left thigh. I bit my lip so hard that I could taste blood. My eyes watered and I whimpered. He reloaded.

One in my right arm. Another in my shoulder blade. Demons had a better pain tolerance but this was how to torture them. Next was JJ and Ethan who were known to use their fists.

I had many wounds but I stayed silent. JJ's fist smashed right into my head and the room spun. I knew he had a hard punch I just didn't expect it to be that hard. They continued to hit me from both sides, breaking bones along the way.

The only thing keeping me up was the chains. I felt so weak. Josh wanted another go. But this time he stood in front of me. JJ and Ethan backed off and Josh raised his whip and it cut into my cheek. The next one cracked right onto my broken rib.

I screamed.

I screamed for each whip, each arrow and each punch. I screamed for the pain and for falling in love with a demon hunter. Josh's whip made another crack but I didn't feel the pain. I looked up and saw Simon kneeling in front of me.

His back had caught the whip, and his face was in front of me. He winced as it hit him and drew blood.

"STOP!" Simon boomed causing everyone to stop and look at him. He stared into my eyes.

"I will always love you, I thought I would be able to do this but I can't hear your screams. I love you," Simon caressed my uninjured cheek. For a small second the pain seemed to go away and I smiled.

"Simon what are you doing move out the way!" Vik said. Simon looked back at them and stood up.

"No, she doesn't die. I love her."

"Simon. No! You know this is wrong. You know what she is!"

"Yes so what if she's a demon! We've known her for so long and I know that she is a good person." Simon argues back defending me.

I didn't say a word through the entire argument. Just listened. All of the boys disagreed.

"But Simon the code: All demons left dead." Tobi argued.

"Not this one. This one is special. I'm not arguing on this,"

I heard Josh sigh and rub his eyebrow. All the boys looked at each other and none of them said anything. Josh stepped forward and Simon held his ground.

"Fine. Be in love with a demon. But she stays out of our way," Josh said. I let out a breath of relief as Simon agreed. They all left as Simon unchained me.

I fell to the ground but he quickly caught me and lifted me up. I wanted to pass out and sleep. But I stayed awake. He carried me into our room and laid my down. It hurt too much to move but I could feel myself quickly starting to heal.

I raised my hand to touch the cut on his back but he moved my hand away.

"It's nothing, lets focus on yours okay?" I nodded.

"Thank you Simon," I smiled at him.

"I'm sorry I didn't step in sooner. But just know that I love you,"

"I love you to Simon,"


There you go I hoped you liked it ❤❤

This is my 6th one in one day👌👌

Thank you for 156K

Published: 8.10.17
Edited: 10.10.17

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