#52• Ethan Imagine

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Suggested: KacieDeakin



You absolutely loved Ethan, he was an amazing boyfriend and it was completely understandable that some hate would get to him. He gets called gay all the time and he usually doesn't care.

It never gets to him, the Sidemen boys even say it a lot, of cause they are only joking. Everyone knows he's dating you, but some people really believe he's gay and it gets to him.

He is not against it at all, he supports gay and equality but it gets to him when they call him gay 24/7. He laughs along with the boys but you can see his smile drops for a split second.

So when you came home to a sobbing Ethan you knew what was wrong. It had gone too far for him. You rush to his side and he wraps his arms tightly around you while crying.

"What happened babe?" You ask rubbing his back to make him feel slightly better. He sniffs and gets control of himself.

"We were shooting a video of cards against humanity and a gay card about me came up and everyone started saying stuff and the comments are all the same," He sobbed and you held him to your chest.

"Look babe, we all know you're not gay, they are just doing banter, I'll go and tell them they need to tone down the jokes a bit." I say comforting him.

"No, I don't want them to know that it's getting to me!" He says popping his head up, his puffy eyes staring at me.

"Look, they will understand they are your friends, they would want you to tell them..." He slowly nods and I go downstairs to confront the rest of the Sidemen who were on their phones or laptops.

"Hey guys, can we talk please." I sit down on the couch and they all turn to look at me when they can hear the seriousness in my voice. I wasn't going to blame them or make them feel bad but just let them know the situation.

Over the past 15 minutes I told them how Ethan had been feeling lately and to try and tone down the jokes. They all still felt pretty bad and said they would stop.

They go upstairs into Ethan room and tackle him into hugs and you can hear his laugh from downstairs. You knew he was going to be okay.


There you go I hoped you liked it xx.

Also this is shorter than normal only because it wasn't a requested one ♡

I just want you to know that I am not at all hating on gays in this. I am completely supportive to all people and would never do that :)

Thank you all SO much for 65K how is that possible!!! ❤❤❤

Love you xx

Published: 11.3.17

Edited: 14.9.17

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