#19• Harry Imagine

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Requested: Yoniiee

Theme: Happy and Cute

Warnings: None


Yonie's POV.

The morning sun woke me up as I cuddled into Harry's chest. I loved waking up with him by my side. He was already awake and caressing my long curly brown hair.

"What do you want to do today babe?" His morning voice clear as day. I thought about something fun that we could both do for the day.

It's been a while since we've both cooked together so why don't we bake some cakes or something like that? Even make a video of it? It would be fun. I told Harry my idea and he loved it.

He kissed my forehead as we both got out of bed. I changed into some comfy summer clothes and brushed my hair and teeth. I heard Harry setting up the camera in the kitchen while I got ready.

I joined him in the kitchen and we grabbed out all of the ingredients we would need for the video. Harry turned on the camera and did his introduction.

"Today my beautiful girlfriend, Yonie and I will be doing a cooking video!" He cheered and I laughed at his cuteness. He was all mine. I smiled to myself at the thought.

"My muffins are obviously going to look SO much better!" Harry claimed in a sassy girly voice. I rolled my eyes and made the crazy sign with my hands. Time to start cooking.

We started to work together to carefully pour all of the ingredients in the bowl and started to mix.

"Hey love?" He asked and I turned to face him. He had flour on his face everywhere. I laughed into hysterics at what he had done to himself. Such a weirdo. I loved him.

Harry didn't seem to like me laughing and teasing him very much.

"You know what would really bring out your brown eyes?" He asked rhetorically. Then he held up some of the melted chocolate. The next thing I knew I had it on the side of my face as Harry was now laughing.

I gave him a fake death glare as we chased each other around the kitchen with different ingredients while laughing.

We both completely forgot about the camera for a second. We eventually put our muffins in the oven. They were going to be 40 minutes so we told the camera that we will be back then and looking cleaner.

We turned the camera off to save battery as I washed my face off in the sink and Harry did the same. We cleaned up the mess we made and before we knew it the food was done.

We turned on the camera and said our quick hellos and that the muffins were ready.

We got them out of the oven and they actually didn't look that bad. We got 3 each and we were allowed to decorate them. Whoevers looks the best wins.

Harry started placing on everything that looked colorful and splatted it onto it. I actually took my time and carefully placed what I wanted on mine.

His looked like a mess but I'm sure he was proud. He looked over at mine and tried to sabotage it.

He threw blue icing on mine so I threw cream on tip of his. The kitchen was already starting to become a mess again. I moved my long brown hair out of my face as we started to eat our lovely chocolate creations.

It was actually pretty good. We said a goodbye to the camera and Harry turned it off. He grabbed all of the muffins we made and ran upstairs.

I wonder what this crazy lover boy is up to. Probably doing something childish and cute.

"YONIE YOU COMING?" He yelled from upstairs excited. I chuckled to myself wondering what idea he has thought of doing.

I walk into our shared room and see him. He was multitasking like a pro. He had put a movie on and had started building a fort with our blankets and pillows.

God I loved him.

I helped him with it and it actually looked like one of the best ones we have ever done. We got settled in and he laid out the muffins in front of us as the movie started to play.

Harry turned off the lights then sat back down next to me. I cuddled up to his side as my eyes were glued onto the television watching the beginning of a comedy and romance movie.

I felt his eyes staring into me so I looked back at him and he was smiling down on me. I smiled back and pecked his lips while mumbling 'I love you'.

I went to look back at the TV but his two fingers placed on my chin and pushed my head back to face him. I felt his lips connect with mine as sparks flew in my stomach.

He laced our hands together as I kissed back. My hands running through his blonde hair. He pulled back and rested his forehead on top of mine, us both trying to catch our breath.

"I love you so much Yonie. I don't know what I would do with out you!" He looked deeply into my brown eyes meaning every word he said.

I'm never letting this one go. He's definitely a keeper. I love him and he makes me happy.


There you go Yonie, I hope that you liked it xx


Thank you guys so so much for 3k reads!!! I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR NICE COMMENTS ❤❤

Published: 18.8.16

Edited: 6.9.17

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