#100• Tobi Imagine

805 17 4


Requested: ElleinaSDMN

Theme: sad-cute

Warnings: Bullying



Elleina's POV.

I take a deep breath and try and give myself a pep talk. I close my eyes and just breath. Only 6 hours of hell. You can do this. One last breath and I open my eyes.

I stepped into the school gates and immediately wanted to turn around.

Great pep talk Elleina

I think sarcastically to myself. I keep my head down and make my way towards the table I always sat at. It was up against a wall and pretty much away from majority of people and noise.

I grab out my newly reading book and open up to my page number and start reading, just like the classic geek I am. I didn't mind so much about being the geek. Some people felt sorry for me.

But it had its advantages.

Don't have to talk to many people, keep to myself, not much drama and good grades. But sometimes, as expected it did get lonely.

"Hey geekface!"

I huff in annoyance. The only bad place about where my table was, was that there was no teachers. I close my book and look up.

The Sidemen. A group of seven boys, six of them liked to harrass and bully me. The other one, who was more or less the leader his name was Tobi. Tobi was for sure getting Prom King, captain of the football and most popular in school.

But he didn't know about the bulling his friends gave me, as far as I'm aware.

"What are you reading?" Harry says while proceeding to ripit out of my hands. I get up and try and grab it back but I wasn't quick enough. He opens up the book and scans the page.


He throws it onto the ground and half of it goes in wet mud. They start walking away making sure to each bump me. JJ's 'bump' made me slip and fall over onto the ground. Luckily not in the mud.

I was lucky this time.

I grab for my book and pray its okay.


The pages are stuck together and damp with mud becoming the cover. I sigh and pick myself off of the ground just as the bell rings.

I grab my bag and scurry off to my first lesson, history. I walk into the classroom and see only two of the Sidemen boys. Ethan and Tobi.

I sit where I always sat, at the very front next to the window. Mrs Justler walks in smiling, she was a young and new teacher who was pretty kind, I liked her anyway.

"Goodmorning. How was everyone's weekend?" She says smiling happily.

A few people respond.

"Great, now I'm terribly sorry to start the morning off like this but I have your exam results. As I call your name come up and see your grade."

Lots of groans came from the class, as expected.

"Kyle...Amber...Ethan...Teal...Tobi," They all go up and have a look. Some fist pumped the air, others just nodded and walked off.

"Elleina...Eddie...Jess...Brodie...Lilly," I get out of my seat and make my way to Mrs Justlers desk. Ethan passed me on the way back to his feet and I felt myself tripping over his foot.

I put my hands up to lessen the impact but the tiled floor hit my right cheek and hip. I groaned as the class laughed.

"Whoops, didn't see you there," Ethan smirked and walked off. I got up, disted myself off and got my grade.

A+. Of course.

The rest of the lessen blows by and I walk out of the class to go to lunch. It had only been a few minutes when the six Sidemen came up to me. They threw insults at me, shoving me here and there and handed my there homework.

"I'm not doing it," I say firmly but I was scared. I had never said no to them. Before I knew it I was on the floor and they were crowding around me. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" Tobi interupts and he walks inbetween us. He takes in what he sees and I see it click. He found out what they have been doing.

"Are you kidding me! You guys are disgusting, leave her alone! Who gave you guys the right to treat someone else like that! I don't even want to look at you! Get out!" Tobi lashes out on them causing them to leave.

I stay on the ground and look at Tobi. He smiled down at me kindly and with sympathy. He stuck out his hand.

"Let me help you," He grabs my hand and side and helps me up. He checked to make sure I wasn't injured and picked up my bag for me.

"I'm so sorry about them Elleina. I didn't know they were doing this. But don't worry they will leave you alone from now on. I promise."

I was shocked. He knew my name? The most popular boy in school new the schools geeks name? A look of realisation crossed his face and I swear I saw him blush.

"How do you know my name? Not even the other outcasts at this school do," I ask tilting my head slightly.

He scratches the back of his neck and fixes his bag strap. He smiles cutely at me.

"Well uh, you see...I always thought you were interesting and unique. You like being in your own world and have your nose in a book. You're intelligent and kind. I found you alluring and I wanted to get to know you, but it seemed like you didn't like people," He confessed leaving me stunned.

Is this boy serious? He must be joking? Where are the cameras? There are none. He is serious. I feel myself smiling.

"Most people don't like me that's why," I reply. I see Tobi's smile widen.

"Well I do, after school you want to go grab a drink?" He asked.

"I'd love to,"


There you go I hoped you liked it xx


Published: 21.10.17

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