#32• Simon Imagine

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Requested: TheSidemensBae12

Theme: Angst

Warning: Swearing


Ally's POV.

It had been a long day and I was keen to go home to see my boyfriend Jake. I've been with him for a little over a year and I love him. I walked through the door and out of the pounding rain, quietly wanting to suprise him since I'm home early.

I notice a pair of heels at the door that weren't mind, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but walked past them placing my bag down and crept up the steps.

I heard muttering coming from our shared bedroom. Was one of his friends over? I got to the top and was just outside of our bedroom and the door was ajar. I looked through the gap and my heart dropped to my stomach. 

Intwined together in our bed was Jake and some girl, both completely naked. The sheets of our bed were covering their skin but I still knew what was happening under the sheets.

"Are you sure she won't catch us?" She panted.

"Yes, she's working. Oh gosh I love you!" He muttered but I could still hear. I felt tears roll down my face as I covered my mouth with my hands trying to keep silent. I sunk to the floor trying to digest the scene.

I could still hear them and I couldn't take it anymore. I got up off of the floor being sure to stay quiet.

I felt my feet carry my down the stairs and I started to run out the door. I ran in the pouring rain on the footpath and fell down next to a tree at a park. I hugged my knees rocking back and forth as my clothes and hair was soaked.

My breathing was rapid and I sobbed loudly in the rain. My lips quivered and my hands shook.

How could I of been so stupid? I should of known! He never loved me. I hate him.

I picked myself off of the ground wanting to see the only person who knew how to cheer me up.  Simon.

I've known him since high school since he was friends with my brother Josh. We were also good friends and lived close to each other. I walked to his house which was now only a couple minutes away as I couldn't stop the tears.

I got closer to the house until I was now standing in front of his door shivering. I knocked twice and didn't have to wait long for the door to fling open. I stood there awkwardly with my head down.

"Ally! Are you okay?" He asked, worry laced in his voice. I shook my head and burst into tears looking at him. He immediately pulled me into a hug not caring that I was wet.

He led me inside his house and left for a few seconds grabbed me a towel and what looked like his clothes. I didn't want to sit down cause I was wet and shivering and he seemed to notice.

"Here, you can go for a shower if you like, then we can talk okay?" he said looking into my eyes. I nodded thankfully and took what he handed me as I walked upstairs for a warm shower.


After a short shower I dried off and put on Simons sweatpants and baggy shirt that smelt like him. I walked down to the living room now much calmer but still deeply hurt by Jake.

I sat next to Simon on the couch as he looked and turned to face me. I could tell he was still worried. I took a deep breath and started to explain what happened. I told him about what he said and every detail until I was in tears again.

He stroked my hair and pulled me into his chest letting me cry. I could see anger twisted on his face at how he hurt me.

"He doesn't deserve you any way. He should learn how to treat a girl. Unbelievable...I'm going to have a word with the fucking bastard." He growled and quickly got out of his seat with a look that could kill.

I didn't want him to go any where near Jake or that girl in case someone got hurt so I immediately jumped in front of Simon before he could fling open the door and I put my hands on his chest so he wouldn't move.

"Simon, please, please don't leave. I don't want to be alone right now." I tried to get him to say and it was true. I wanted him to stay with me. His eyes softened and his shoulders came back down as he breathed out while studying my face.

He nodded and I grabbed his hand and led him back onto the couch. Jake didn't know that I had caught him with the girl so Simon said I should send him a text breaking up with him. I agreed but I didn't have my phone.

Simon leant me his and I started to text Jake.

It's Ally, your EX. Yeah we are done. Hope to never see you byee 💅

I sent it and we both laughed about it and started to talk crap about him. Simon made me forget the entire scene as he made me laugh and he got my mind off of it.

I knew he could make me feel better he always knew how to. I spent the night at his house playing games and hanging out like we always used to.

He told me he never liked Jake because he thought he never treated me right. I guess he ended up being right.

"He's a dick. I recommend we use a shovel, net and a hammer to get rid of him. Or we could trash talk him. Happy doing either," He joked making me laugh once again. Jake was completely forgotten and I focused on having fun with Simon.


There you go I hoped you liked it ❤❤


This is the last one that got requested so now I'm done and I don't know what I'll be posting but I'll find something to make sure I keep updating. Feel free to semd in requests. xx

Published: 18.9.16

Edited: 13.9.17

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