#75• Simon Imagine

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Requested: CaraMaee_

Theme: Cute

Warning: None


How is everyone!?
Cara's POV.

I was only led to disappointment when I woke up to a cute text from my boyfriend.

Happy birthday baby! I'm so so sorry I can't be there with you to celebrate, I wish I was. Just remember I love you and have a beautiful day xx

As much as I do love him for remembering and sending me a cute birthday message I only have one wish on my birthday and it's to be next to him. Instead of being grumpy and sad about it I was just going to distract myself.

I walk to the bathroom, grabbing a nice outfit along the way, the girls were taking me out to a nice dinner. Simon was busy on a book tour, he's been doing it for 1 month now and I really do miss him.

But I'm so happy that he's doing what he loves and being successful. It was lunch time. The girls were picking me up at 6pm. So I just walked downstairs to get breakfast started. Just as I passed the door, my doorbell rang. I stopped and opened the door to see a delivery woman.

"Hello are you Cara?" The woman asked kindly. I nodded still feeling a little bit sleepy. She smiled and handed me a massive bouquet of red and pink flowers that smelt amazing. My eyes widened. Oh my god, they were so beautiful. I took them from her while saying an amazed thank you.

"The man who got you these, keep him. He's definitely a keeper." The woman says smiling at me. I nod, agreeing.

"He definitely is.." I grin to myself as I see a cute little white card placed carefully in the middle of the flowers. I wave goodbye to the kind lady and shut the door still adoring the flowers.

I place them on the kitchen counter and grab a vase. I put water half way in it and then the flowers. I grab the card and open it.

Hello beautiful, I hope you like the flowers. It's the least I can do for my girl xx


I blush and hold the card to my heart smiling widely to myself. This boy I swear to god.

~Skip to 6pm~

I spent most of the day responding to the many kind birthday wishes and messages and then getting ready for the dinner. I wore a simple cute red dress that showed off my features with black heels and nicely done natural makeup.

Now I was in the car with my best friends driving the the restaurant while jamming out to the radio playing the best songs. It didn't take long for us to arrive and take our seats. The place was beautiful and I couldn't wait to eat.

We ordered our food and soon the waiters dressed in nice suits came and gave us our meals. My friend Stacy quickly looked at her phone as she recieved a message. Her fingers flew over the keyboard typing away and then she grinned at me.

What was that about? I ignored it and started to eat my hot delicious food. Only 20 minutes later we were all done our food and one my friends said she had to go to the bathroom but she went into the kitchen. Such a bad liar, I chuckled to myself.

Only a few minutes later and Kiara came back from the kitchen holding a beautiful cake with candles lighting up her face as she started singing happy birthday, everyone joined in. My friends dragged me to a separate table that the cake was placed on and they crowded in front of me taking videos and photos.

"Make a wish Cara!" I didn't even need to think about it.

"I wish Simon was with me," I blew out the candles and everyone cheered.

"Well wish granted then," Stacy said, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Happy Birthday baby, by the way you look stunning" I turned around and saw him standing there. I squealed in suprise and wrapped my hands around his neck in joy, hugging him tightly.

I felt tears of happiness well in my eyes but I blinked them away. I pulled away and kissed him. He instantly kissed back making the typical butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

After pulling away I only had a few seconds to say thank you and goodbye to everyone when Simon lead me out of the restaurant with two pieces of cake in his hand for us.

He handed me one as I took my first bite. I still couldn't believe my wish came true. Simon led me to the local park as we stood under the moonlight.

He pulled out a cute black box that was about the size of his hand. I looked at him with such love, how did I get so lucky?

He handed me the box as he bit his lip nervously. I knew I would like it. How couldn't I? I opened it and my jaw dropped. I was so shocked, it's beautiful. A silver shining necklace. It was perfect.

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? Simon I love it! Thank you so much you are the best boyfriend ever! I love you so much," I hugged him a again. He smiled into my hair then gently grabbed the necklace and moved my hair over one shoulder and stood behind me.

He carefully placed the necklace around my neck. It was gorgeous. I heard a small click as he clipped it up then he put my hair back where it was.

"I love you to birthday girl," he kissed my forehead lightly making me go crazy inside. Definitely best birthday ever.


There you go I hope you like it❤❤


2nd one in 1 day😊 Yay xx

Published 6.8.17
Edited 15.9.17

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