#86• Tobi Imagine

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Requested: Trinityhasnofriends

Theme: Fluff

Warning: None


Thank you for reading❤

Tobi's POV.

I got home after football practice before Trinity. Perfect. It feels like so long since I've spent proper time with her. That's going to change.

I rack my brain of things that I could surprise her with when she gets home. I smirk as some ideas pop into my head. I look at the clock...just enough time.

I make my way into the kitchen and grab out all the ingredients I needed to make us dinner.

Trinity's POV.

I get out of the car and I see that Tobi was home first for once, I smile to myself just thinking about seeing him. I grab my keys and unlock our front door.

I step in and I'm hit with a wave of suprises. First being the amazing smell that came from the delicious hot cooked food set out neatly on the dining wooden table that had a red table cloth over the top.

Second, being the cutest blanket and pillow fort I've ever seen that made the TV disappear within it. There was a pile of movies to the side of the fort and I got a small glimpse of all of the sweets and lollies inside.

Finally, Tobi standing there with a beautiful bouquet of my favorite flowers with a wide cheesy smile on his adorable face that I loved so much.

"Suprise babe!" He says shyly, holding out the flowers for me. My heart melted at all of the effort he put into this. I've definitely got the world's best boyfriend!

"Oh My god! Tobi! You spoil me so much! I love you!" I grab the flowers carefully off of him and wrap both arms around his neck hugging him. His arms slide around my lower waist as he buries his head into my dirty blonde hair.

"Anything for you, I love you to. Hungry?" He smirked at me with his head tilted cutely.


He chuckled at my response and grabs my free hand leading me to the table. I take my seat and put the flowers in an empty vase in the middle of the table. The food looked so delicious! I stared lovingly at Tobi. He's so sweet! I couldn't keep the blush and smile away.

We start eating, his great cooking skills fill up my stomach. He looks over at me as we finish. He had a small little dot of gravy on his chin. I lean over and wipe it off smiling at his goofyness as he blushed.

He offered to clean up, I stood up to help but he directed me to the movies and fort that he had built for the two of us.

I grinned as I knew that cuddles were to be happening tonight. I get on my hands and knees and crawl onto the soft fluffy blankets inside the amazing structure that reminded me of an igloo.

The blankets was hanging over the TV making it seem like a mini cinema at home. Sour worms, snakes, gummy bears, Ben and Jerry's, my favorite chips and heaps of other sweets had been stored inside here.

This boy somehow gets better and better. Only a few minutes later Tobi's body crawls in with me and he's carrying something I can't see properly. He brings it out to view. Onesies! I grin widely at his amazing ability to be so sweet and caring.

I grab my onesie from him, we quickly get changed and it's so much more comfortable and fluffy. We met up again in the fort and he's waiting for me as he laid down with his arm out welcoming me in.

"I've put on your favorite movie, come over here and cuddle with me. I've missed it so much!" He whines/begs as I crawl to his side, I did miss this to. The movie starts, he knew that this was my favorite movie. I look up at him and he looks back intobmy grey eyes and I kissed his lips.

He kissed back sweetly, his hand holding one of my cheeks pulling me closer to his warm comfortable body. I pulled apart and looked into his eyes.

"Thank you Tobi, I don't know how I got so lucky to have a boyfriend like you," I say honestly. He sits up slightly on his elbow looking at me.

"If anyone, I'm the lucky one. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on, your my other half and I would be lost without you. I love you Trinith," He kissed my forehead as I melted at his words.

I cuddled up into his side as his arm wrapped around me protectively and focused on the movie.

The only light being from the TV and the quiet breathing of Tobi,and his chest rising up and down rhythmically. I felt my eyes get heavier and I couldn't stop the overwhelming wave of tiredness.

"Go to sleep babe," Tobi's sweet voice whispered in my ear. Soon he started singing one of my favorite songs making sleep come a lot quicker and I was soon out like a light. The last thing I heard being Tobi's voice.

"Goodnight, I love you Trinity,"


There you go I hoped you liked it ❤❤


Sorry if its too short x


Published: 25.9.17
Edited: 10.10.17

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