#21• Simon Imagine

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Requested: Tahliahstar123

Theme: Dark, romantic, supernatural

Warnings: Swearing, fighting


Tahliah POV.

The darkness in the woods surrounded me, the only things heard was my panting, leaves rustling and heavy footsteps. My head torch lighting up the dusty pathway filled with sharp sticks. My boots crushed them down as I ran.

On either side of me was my mum and dad doing the exact same thing. The moon was hidden by the tall dark trees. We were fast but what we were chasing was much faster.


We've been hunting them for generations. I was the daughter of the best vampire hunters. I hated it, not all vampires are bad. Especially Simon. He's sweet, lovable, kind, funny everything I love.

I told him to stay out of the woods tonight, I didn't want my family to catch him. They nearly caught him a month or so ago and I thought I was going to lose him.

I know Simon never really listens or cares about his safety. My deep thoughts had slowed me down and my parents were sprinting after the creature while I ended up stopping. They can have this catch tonight.

I felt eyes on me.

Bloody hell, he never listens.

"Simon, why are you here?" I ask as he stepped out of the shadows. His blonde hair was typed perfectly as my long dark brown curly hair was slightly messy from running.

I stared at him with my dark brown eyes as he stepped closer to me, hovering over me. He was pale compared to my tanned and mixed race skin.

His cold hand touched my cheek as he leaned in. I wanted to pull away, fearing my parents would catch us but he always somehow managed to drug me with his ways.

His lips touched mine softly and I kissed back adding the passion. If you haven't already guessed I'm a vampire hunter, he's a vampire and our relationship has to be a secret, my family would kill him, that's what they do.

It's a very unique situation to be in but somehow the secrets are a thrill. Hiding from our parents but scared of getting caught, our love keeping us together. It reminded me of Romeo and Juilet.

I heard the leaves rustle but ignored it thinking it was a squirrel. Simon heard it to but his head snapped up his eyes wide and face even paler.

He mumbled 'shit'. This caught my attention as I looked where he was. I swore as well as my heart raced. My fear had come true.

My parents. Standing there,  weapons down in shock. Mum looked shocked and couldn't move ad she saw our hands on each other. Dad on the other hand had a murderous look and it was aimed at Simon.

He jumped straight into action and lifted his sharp knife at Simon and pounced, but Simon was faster, he always was. He was smart, daring, fast and unique. I was frozen in fear as I witness the scene.

Dad was on top on Simon with his sharp knife trying to press it into his chest. Simon was holding it as well pushing it away. Simon didn't want to hurt him but he didn't want to get stabbed either.

He pushed my dad off of him and they both got up off of the ground and went to charge at each other. I unfrozen and jumped in front of them.

My back was facing Simon and Dad had stopped and was a meter away from us. I held my hands up defending Simon. If my parents can't except that I love him then they aren't my family.

"STOP! JUST STOP! Can't you see I love him!" I shout at my Dad.

"HE'S A VAMPIRE TAHLIAH!" He yells furiously.

"Dad! Mum! I love him! He's sweet, kind, funny, charming, and he loves me as well. I don't care if you guys don't except us because you guys are too wrapped up in the family code than if I'm happy." I started and everyone was looking at me.

Every word was the truth. I felt Simon step beside me and grab my hand squeezing softly to show he's with me. I smile at him nervously waiting for what they say.

Dad seemed to be arguing with himself but Mum soon got involved.

"I don't know what this is! I don't like it. I don't know Simon. He could be like the rest of the blood thirsty suckers..."

"...but I know you. Your an intelligent girl that we raised well to make good decisions. If you can look past what he is and love him. I guess I can learn to because your happy, I can see that!" Mum finished smiling at us.

I ler out an audible breath that I was holding unknowingly. I saw Simons shoulders go down as well and a smile crept on his lips.

We all looked at my dad. He was looking back and forth between us before he dropped his weapon and groaned.

"Fuck sake. Stupid love. Ugh fine, but Simon you hurt her I WILL kill you." He threatened.

"Don't doubt that for a second," Simon replied as I shook my head and laughed to myself. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. They accept us. They accept him.

I could never be more happier. No more sneaking around worrying who's looking. I leapt in Simons arms as he spun me around. I kissed his cheek as I heard my dad gag.

I guess he will have to get used to this. My parents walked up to us. We separated as my mum hugged Simon and I. Dad then walked up to him cautiously.

Not completely trusting him. He will come around eventually. Dad held out his hand for Simon to shake but Simon just looked at it and rolled his eyes.

He grabbed my father and pulled him into a hug. Mum and I both laughed as Dad looked awkward but soon got used to it as we joined the group hug.


There you go hoped you liked it xx


I actually really liked writing this one!

Published: 21.8.16

Edited: 10.9.17

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