#70• Simon Imagine

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Requested: carebear2326

Theme: Cute? Idk

Warnings: none


Sophie's POV.

"Hey are you ready to start the live Q & A?" Josh asked me from across the room. I quickly fix up my long blonde hair and walk over towards the chair that Josh set up for us.

My older brother, Josh, wanted to do a sibling Q&A and of course I agreed. Josh had the camera set up and everything. Some of the boys wanted to watch. So JJ, Simon and Vik were behind the camera watching as we both took our seats.

"Hello everybody! Welcome to this sibling q and a with my younger sister Sophie," He smiles and I wave shyly to the camera. My eyes met with Simons and he winks at me. I blush and look down.

He can't make it any more obvious can he? Before I even met the boys Josh had his number one rule, I'm not allowed to date any of the Sidemen. But that was before I met Simon. We fell in love and I couldn't not be with him. So we started dating, but in secret. No one knows, and that's the way it has to stay.

"Okay so first question let's go..."

Josh read out a question and we both answer it. It was really easy, the first few questions was stuff like "How did you get along growing up" or "what annoyed you when you were little kids,"

"Okay next question shall we," Josh searches through them and finds one that he likes.

"Okay, this one says, is Sophie dating any of the Sidemen? The answer to that question is no, we've had a talk about this and she isn't allowed to date any of the Sidemen. Isn't that right Sophie?" Josh turns to me smiling. I roll my eyes and smile while trying to avoid eye contact with Simon.

"Yes, I know the rules," I mumble.

"Good, I would never let anyone of these guys date you. Next question!" He moves on but when I glance at Simon I can tell these words hurt him.

He quickly but quietly stands up and walks out of the room without anyone noticing except me. All of me wanted to get up and chase him but I couldn't do that for a few reasons.

One because I was in the middle of recording a video and it would look weird. Seconds because Josh might get suspicious if I go after him. So I stay put and wait.

I start tapping my foot and try and be present but my mind keeps on drifting towards Simon hoping that he's okay. Finally Josh goes to wrap up the video.

"Thank you guys so much, I hoped you enjoyed and see you next time!" We both smile and wave then Josh stands up to turn off the camera. Whereas I dash out of the room in look for my boyfriend. We've been dating for 8 months now and he makes me happy. Josh can't stop us.

I see Simons bedroom door was shut and I already knew that's where he was. I don't bother knocking on the door. I grab the handle and let myself in. I see Simon sitting on the end of his bed with his head in his hands.

"Talk to me Simon," I don't like seeing him like this. It hurts both of us. He stands up throwing his hand up in frustration.

"I don't know if I can go on with this, I don't know if I can do this anymore. I-It just hurts so much." I've never heard Simon sound so hurt and sad. It honestly felt like someone was stabbing my heart and twisting it. I had to fix this.

"I love you so so much Sophie, I want to be with you, but Josh will never let that happened would he?" he waits and when I don't say anything he drops his head sadly.

"Simon, please, just keep fighting. I know sneaking around is hard-"

"It's not the sneaking around. I want the world to know that you're my girl. I want to walk down the street and whenever a guy flirts with you I can jump in without someone questioning it. I want to love you unconditionally and make sure that everyone knows it." Simon finishes his confession.

Before I could say anything another male voice joins in on the conversation making me jump back in suprise.

"Was that all true Simon?" Josh's deep voice questions with a stern older brother tone. I see that Simon was nervous, so was I now that the secret was out. We always knew that Josh would find out but we never knew for sure how he would react.

Would he yell and forbid it making us break up?

Would he accept it and let us be happy?

I held my breath as I watched the scene unfold in front of me as if I wasn't even there, just an audience watching two men talk.

"Yes, it's true. I'm going to be with your sister, I don't care anymore if you accept it or not. I love her and if you want us to be happy you would let us be," Simon breathed heavily as if he just let everything off his chest. I saw Josh's mouth tug into a smile.

"Look, honestly I still don't like the idea of anyone being with my sister but I hate the idea of her not being happy and if you make her happy then I guess...I can accept it. But please for the love of god don't do any kissing in front of me. I can't handle that much." Josh chuckled and walked out of the room.

"I showed him didn't I," Simon smirks jokingly. I roll my eyes, I couldn't keep the grin off of my face. Finally no more hiding.


There you go. I hoped you liked it ❤❤


Thank you so much for 106K
Today has been a pretty crap day tbh :/

Published 28.6.17
Edited: 16.9.17

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