#116• Simon Imagine

937 21 2


Requested: xxx

Theme: Fluff

Warnings: None


Sorry this is not a requested imagine❤❤Im at my dads house. Hope everyone is doing well.

Y/N's POV.

Everyday, at the same time I came here. It was my sense of place. It calmed me down. Whatever emotion I felt that day the local coffee shop somehow lifted my spirits.

I knew all of the staff members there cause I was a regular, they knew how I liked my coffee off by heart. They knew just by the way I walked how I was feeling. It was like a second home.

As I walked in, I saw him. I've bumped into him a few times here. Usually you'll see a customer but never see them again. I keep seeing the same man here. We were about the same height and he was handsome.

Today, was a pretty crappy day. Today was one of those days where it felt like the world was out to get me. Felt like I was all alone in a crowded room. I had failed my exam, came home to my boyfriend cheating, and also gotten into an argument with my friend.

My large eyes wanted to release its tears but I held them back. I walked to the counter and they put in my order, I paid and sat down to wait for it. I had freckles on my face, long lashes and small lips that loved the taste of coffee.

I pulled my phone out only to see apology texts from my now ex boyfriend. I look up and my eyes met with his and he took my breath away in that one look. That same man was always here.

I looked back at my phone and tried to ignore the text messages. My coffee was placed in front of me and I smiled and said thank you. I put down my phone and grabbed my coffee. When I looked up I was met with a beautiful pair of eyes.

His face seemed like perfection, he had sat down in the seat opposite to me and smiled.

"Hi, my name's Simon. You?" He said kindly while sipping his own coffee. I told myself not to stare at him but I couldn't help myself. He was just so mesmerizing.

"My names Y/N. Nice to meet you Simon," I say trying to pull off a smile. I take another drink of my beautifully made coffee. He put his drink down and looked at me.

"We've bumped into each other a few times here now and I came over because I noticed you were upset. Anything I can help with? I've heard I'm a good listener," He offered with a playful smile.

I looked at him, sizing him up in a way. Could I trust him? I figured what the hell. I couldn't lose anything right? Maybe talking to Simon may help me. Why not right?

"It's just been a tough day, that's all," I smile at him lightly. He seemed generally interested to know about my day. He waited for me to continue and I sighed showing my stress.

"Well I completely flunked my exam, and went home only to find my boyfriend, now ex, cheating right in front of me. I left the house while crying and then I got into a arguement with one of my friends. This place just seems to calm me down so I came here," I put everything on the table and off my chest.

Simon looked at me with such a kind and caring eyes that made me melt. He seemed generally worried and interested to hear about my day.

"You exam you can always re do, or at least do better on the next one. It was one test that is not the make or break of you or your future. Same with your boyfriend, first off, complete douche bag to cheat, and I'm so sorry that he did that. But you don't deserve him," Simon said as I grabbed my hand from across the table.

I didn't move away, his hand was warm and comforting. I didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable around him. He made me feel safe and important.

"Y/N, just know that you are better off without that guy in your life who didn't cherish you like he should have. Find someone who loves you for you and you hold onto them." He said, he sounded like a poet, and I liked it. He made everything seem okay. I don't know how.

"I will," I smile shyly taking sneak glances at him. Everything felt right with him.

"Good," he smiled. I could sense the flirty eyes we were giving each other.

"Since we keep seeing each other here how about we get to know each other? Want to go for a walk?" He suggested and sipped his coffee.

"I'd love to," I said and we both stood up, the sky was getting darker and the stars were starting to appear. I stared in awe at the stars. They always fascinated me. They were just so small from here, but so beautiful.

But then a thought came to me. My ex would still be at the shared house I lived in. So I don't know where I would be sleeping tonight. Simon seemed to notice my face change.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I have to stay at a hotel tonight. Since I can't go back home." I sighed in annoyance and looked for the nearest hotel.

"Hey look, I'm not letting you stay at a hotel. You can stay with me tonight. Tomorrow we can both go over to the house and either grab your stuff or kick him out. It will all be okay," He held both of my shoulders and made me convinced that was a good idea.

And to think this all grew from a few bump ins a coffee place.


There you go I hoped you liked it xx


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