#18• Simon Imagine

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Requested: danielle5000

Theme: Angry, happy fluff

Warnings: Swearing


Danielle's POV.

"YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING AROUND THE HOUSE SIMON!!" I screamed at him furiously. He groaned loudly while his eyes flared up.


"YOU SOUND RIDICULOUS SIMON! I'VE GOT A JOB TO!" I growled back in fury.

We have been doing this for the past couple hours, screaming our heads off at each other over useless topics. We have been fighting a lot lately and it's just become so annoying. 

I love Simon, I really do but I can't keep fighting with him like this. It's tiring and just makes us both feel like crap.

I scream nonsense back at him and we threw insults at each other and the clock ticked past midnight. I'm sure the neighbors were getting tired of hearing us yelling.




"STOP BEING A CLINGY BITCH. I HATE YOU!!" He screamed. I stopped as my face fell. We have fought a lot but he's never taken it that far.

My heart sinks as I blink away the tears. I turn my back on him so he can't see the tears that had started to stream down my face.

"Oh shit..." I heard him mutter to himself realizing what he had said. I started to run upstairs and I heard him following. I made it to our room before he did. I shut the door in his face, more like slammed it.

I slid down the door. I hated this. I really did. I was tired of fighting with the one I love dearest. But I guess he doesn't love me back, since he hates me. I cried endlessly as I heard his soft knocks and begs.

He was obviously sitting on the floor, his back leaning on the door just like I was. Only the wooden door separating us. He continued to speak to me on the other side.

I ignored them and mustered up the energy to get up off the floor and start packing my bags. I didn't pack everything just the stuff I would need for the next few days. I grabbed my phone and called Tobi.

I tapped my foot and bit my lip as I waited for him to pick up. He finally did and he sounded tired but as soon as he heard my sobs he become worried.

"Danielle! What wrong!?" He rushed through the end of the phone. I explained what happened and he said he was on his way and hung up.

A couple minutes rolled by and I heard his car horn. Now I would have to get past Simon to the front door with my bags. Hopefully he doesn't see me.

I unlock the door and slide it open and see him sleeping at the door with tears stains on his cheeks. My chest hurt for him but he hurt me and I needed my time away from him.  I tip toed past him and out of our home that once shared many happy memories.

I saw Tobi waiting patiently in his car and when he saw me he pushed my door open from inside the car. I threw my bags in the back seat and then got in the front.

"Are you OK?" He asked and started the engine. I shook my head and blinked my tears away. He stared at me with worry until he started the drive to his house.

It was only 10 minutes until we had pulled up in his driveway and grabbed my bags. I put them in the spareroom and I sat on the comfy couch with Tobi.

I ranted for what seemed like hours to him about how Simon and I had been fighting and what he said. Tobi was being really understanding but I could tell he was tired since it was morning already. 

I was tired as well to be honest. I said goodnight to Tobi and got into the spare bed. I always had trouble sleeping without Simon but I'm going to have to get used to it. I wonder how he was sleeping?

-------Time Skip-------

I woke up to 27 missed calls and 59 messages all from Simon. It was 11:30 and he would usually be asleep still but I guess not. I ignored them and went down stairs feeling like shit.

I missed him so much. I walked down the steps and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.


I instantly recognized the voice. I spun around and saw Simon there looking worse than me. I'm guessing Tobi had let him inside. I wanted to run into his arms but I held myself in place. 

"I'm so so sorry for what I said last night. I didn't mean it. I love you so so much and I couldn't bare life without you. Please, give me a second chance. I need you, I love you!" Si pleading with tears going down his face.

I couldn't bare to see him so upset like this, it killed me. My feet sprung off the ground as I ran into his arms.

He squeezed my waist and didn't let go. Everyone deserves a second chance and I know I wouldn't be able to live without him either.

There you go hoped you liked it xx


I'm sorry! It is a Tuesday and I was supposed to update Sunday and Monday. So this is a make up for Sunday and I'll do the one for Monday soon xx

Published: 16.8.16

Edited: 6.9.17

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