#50• Vik Imagine

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Requested by:  AbzieSDMN

Theme: Sad, a bit happy, Romance

Warning: Depression, Self harm, Bullying.


Hello, I just want to apologise in advance because you said to make up where the story goes so sorry if this isn't what you were thinking.


Abigail's POV.

My alarm clock went off saying I need to get up to get ready for school. I lazily turned it off and rolled over to be met with Vik starting to wake up.

I didn't want to go to school. I couldn't handle another day there. I hate it. Vik knew that so when I closed my eyes saying I didn't want to go he just nodded and kissed my forehead. He had to go over to Simons to record so he said he would be an hour or two and be back as soon as he could.

I nodded and he left leaving me to my depressing thoughts. I dragged myself out of bed. I slipped on a black crop shirt with dark denim jeans and converse shoes. I quickly brushed my teeth and my multi-shaded blonde hair and slipped on my Sidemen cap.

I put on my black glasses that went over my blue eyes and left for school grabbing my bag on the way out. Another day filled with bullying and depressing thoughts. Fun.

I walked the short distance to school and before I was even in there for five minutes I'd been glared at, rumors thrown, names called, and pushed around. Please let this day go fast.

~~~Time skip~~~

I flopped down into bed and cried for the billionth time today. It couldn't of been any worse. Beaten and bruises I walk over into the bathroom already making my decision. I couldn't do this any more. I'm sorry Vik. I can't stay here.

I walked into the bathroom, everyone hates me. They tell me to go and die and they will get there wish. I swung open the door to the cabinet and found my blades and pills. I chugged down half the bottle and sunk to the ground.

I lent onto the tub and raised the sharp blade, my death wish, to my scarred wrists. I dug down deep and slid it across. The blood instantly rushed out like red paint dripping from a canvas.

"Abi, I'm back. How was school?" Viks voice echoed, either I think it did. Everything seemed blurry. His voice, the room, my thoughts. All blurry.

Vik's POV.

I walked up the stairs and when I didn't hear her reply I though she must of been sleeping. But when I walked into our bedroom, she wasn't there. The light to the bathroom was on so she must be in there.

"Abi, was school okay?" I knew she hated it, everyone hated school but she got it bad. It hurt seeing her sad. I didn't know how to make her happy. I walked closer to bathroom and opened the door.

An arrow went through my heart when I saw her, shattered, broken on the bathroom floor. I couldn't hear my own voice, my heart was screaming instead as I rung the emergency number.

I quickly told them the address and hung up. Her eyes were ajar but she looked weak and pale. I felt the tears stream down my face as I ripped the bottom half of my shirt and tied around the wound to stop the blood.

"C'mon baby I can't lose you. I need you. Please, I can't do this without you.  Please! Stay with me. Abi!!" Her eyes shut and I could hear the sirens ringing in the background. 

I held her unconscious body to my chest but was soon dragged away from her as people rushed in to help.

~~A few hours later~~

She's been in surgery for so long and I still haven't heard any news. I've been stuck in the hallway crying, praying to any God that would listen.

Soon the doctor walked out calling my name. I rushed over to him.

"She's okay, she's awake now but weak you can see her but she will need rest." He started saying. I told him many thanks and ran off to her room.

I took the first step and saw her, awake, pale and scared. She looked up at me then back down.

"Abigail, talk to me," I sat down on the chair next to her and grabbed her hand. Her arms were bandaged and a few things attached to her. 

"I'm s-so sorry Vik." She stuttered trying to hold back tears. I got out of me seat, both of our eyes were red and puffy from crying. 

"I almost lost you." I couldn't say big sentences afraid I would start crying again. She just looked at me, not knowing what to say. Neither did I to be honest. What do you say to the one you love who just tried to leave the world?

"Vik, I can't do school anymore. I just can't, I-" She started crying and I hugged her tightly.

"Shh, it's okay you can drop out and start fresh. I'm always going to be here for you. Always! I love you so much and I can't imagine life without you. It's would be unbearable. I need you," I kissed her forehead meaning every word I said. 

"I need you to." She said hugging me while trying to stop her crying. I didn't want to let go. She's going to start fresh and I'm going to be there for her every step of the way.


There you go I hoped you liked it ❤❤

I am sorry if it's bad xx
And thank you so much, by the time I update next I think I'll have 55K reads!!!

Published 11.2.17
Edited 14.9.17

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