#36• Calfreezy Imagine

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Requested: brooke_penguin

Theme: Fluff, Exciting

Warnings: None


Brooke's POV.

Today was the day. I was finally going to meet him in person! I've been waiting over 2 years to see him face to face. I jumped out of bed smiling widely.

I had one hour until I had to go to the airport. We had been in a long distance relationship for years and obviously we face time and Skype all the time but we have never been together in person.

I brush out my long  wavy ombre hair and put it in a high ponytail.  I wipe the sleep away from my green eyes and slip on my glasses. I was too nervous to eat. I was trying so hard not to overthink things.

I brushed my teeth while I scanned my closet. I slipped on my Weezy Shirt after I rinsed my mouth and finished my teeth. I jumped into my Rascal sweatpants and grabbed my Nike shoes putting them on as well.

I got my grey beanie and carefully put that over my head not messing up my hair. My plane left at 9 and it was now 8:15. It was also a 10 minute drive there and I wanted to get there with time to spare.

The American streets were crowded when I left the house at 8:30 to go to the airport to fly to London where he would be. The taxi drive there felt like forever but when I arrived I went through the entire process I needed to and I waited until I need to go onto the plane.

My luggage had already been carried away and was being placed on the plane. Minutes rolled by as I waited impatiently thinking about him. He was going to meet me at the airport and I was so nervous. 

He already knows what I look like so I don't need to worry about anything like that but I just can't wait to be with him physically.

"Plane 362 is getting ready, people start making your way down towards Area 5 and I hope you have a nice flight"

I checked my ticket and that was the number so I grabbed my carry on bag and made my way over to the directed area as I saw many other people do so. I was at the front end of the plane as the ladies showed me to my seat.

The confined space changed the atmosphere and I sat in the window seat settling in for the 12 hour long flight (AN. I don't actually know how long it is)

Many other passengers got seated as I waited for the plane to take off. I looked at my watch and it read exactly 9am which means I'll get to London at 9pm approximately.

I fiddled with my glasses as I waiting tapping my foot on the ground and staring out the window. It all started 2 years ago. We didn't even know each other let alone how much of an impact we would have on each other.

I zoned out completely when the air hostess was talking and I felt the plane move and lift off of the ground and start the 12 hour flight. I closed my eyes, butterflies erupting in my stomach flying everywhere.

I wonder what will happen? Does he look the same as he does on a screen? Do I? I shook my head and put in my headphones booming my favorite music.

I got comfortable onto the plane seat and closed my eyes imagining what would be happening in the next 12 hours. What would we do? Would we go to his house? Meet his friends and family? Go on a date?

The thought of any one of these made me blush to myself, Cal is one of the best people I've ever met. Well not in person anyway.

I slowly drifted off pondering what London held for me.

~~12 hours later~~

"This is your captain speaking. I hope you enjoyed your flight and thank you for flying with us.'

I fluttered my eyes open but soon leapt out of my seat releasing I was finally here. I was wide awake and adrenaline pulsed through me. I jumped out of my seat and grabbed my carry on bags and put away my headphones.

I raced up to the front before everyone else and stepped off of the plane. I looked around and felt the breeze hit me. I fast walked inside the airport and search for the dirty blonde hair.


I whipped around following the voice and stood frozen to the ground. There he was. My breath was stolen as I stared at him. He was quite tall but handsome as ever with a goofy smile on his face.

I felt my legs move as I ran as fast as I could towards him. I leapt into his arms as he catches me squeezing me tightly as I smelt his amazing cologne and the feel of his muscles under his shirt.

His hands sat firmly on my waist as he slowly let me down. I smiled widely as I remembered his face and remembered the times over the phone we would miss each other and promise each other we would meet and finally we have.

It didn't seem possible but I think I'm even more deeply in love with him. He's gorgeous. He seemed to be in deep thought as well until he snapped out of it.

"I love you so much. 2 years and you're finally here!" He mumbled kissing me softly on the lips. Fireworks and bombs exploded around me and time seemed to stop. It was magical and I didn't want it to end but we had to pull apart for air.

He took my hand and I grabbed my bags as we got into his nice car and he drove me to his house. Once inside it looked larger than it did on screen. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

We sat on the couch as he set up a game of FIFA which we agreed to play. We spent the entire night playing it and never going too far apart from each other.


There you go I hope you enjoyed it xx


And I'm so so sorry for not updating in a little while. It's been hectic lately. I'm sorry ILY. ❤❤❤

Published 26.10.16
Edited: 16.9.17

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