#80• Simon & Josh Imagine

962 16 2


Requested: silentnight101

Theme: Mystery?

Warning: Bullying, beating


Simon's POV.

I clung onto the strap of my school bag tighter as I walked into the gates. I searched around for my boyfriend hoping he would be here today. Class was about to start in 10 minutes and I didn't have a lot of classes with Josh today.

"Hey Si!" I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his stubbly chin rest on my shoulder. I smiled to myself as he hugged me from behind. I turned around to face him while grinning.

"Hey Josh, you ready for the Math te..." my voice and question faded out as my eye caught something. Josh furrowed his eyebrows and looked to what I was staring at.

A group of five thugs and bullies of the school staring at Josh and I in disgust as if what we were doing was inhuman. You could hear them snickering at us but thankfully Josh turned my eyes away and made me focus on him.

"Just ignore them, they aren't worth any of our time nor worries." Josh held my cheek and gave me a slight peck on the lips as the bell rang.

"Okay, Simon I'll see you after school yeah?"

I gave him a cheesy grin and a thumbs up as I made my way to homegroup to get my name marked off. On my way that same group glared at me the entire time.

But I listened to what Josh said and just ignored them and kept walking.

Josh's POV.

I stared at the ticking clock while tapping my foot impatiently. We still had a couple minutes until school was finally over and I could meet up with Simon. I groan softly and pull at my hair.

I draw my attention to out the window and look at the flock of birds in the sky, just to pass the time. Only another minute.

"Josh are you even paying attention?" The teacher called put to me making my head snap to the front in suprise at being called on.


"No? Stay behind after class so I can speak to you." Just as Miss said that the bell rang. Just my luck. Instead of rushing out of the classroom like I day dreamed of, I stayed at my desk and waited for the teacher to talk to me.

"Okay Josh, you need to start paying more attention in class okay? Has something been on your mind, because your grades aren't as good as they could be and I know you have the potential."

I restrained from rolling my eyes at her.

"Sorry Miss, I'll pay attention more, promise." I smiled at her convincingly hoping she'll let me out. She huffed and waved me off. I jumped out of my seat, grabbed my bag and headed out to the bench where I usually met Simon. But he wasn't there.

Maybe he got kept back to? No that wasn't like him. I decided to send him a quick text asking where he was but after a few minutes of waiting I got no reply.

I waited some more hoping he just went to the bathroom maybe. I decided to call his house phone, maybe he just went home early or something.

His mother answered.

"Hello is Simon home?" I asked kindly.

"No sorry dear, is everything okay?"

"Yes, fine thank you, bye,"

We ended the phone call and I grew worried. This wasn't like him. I clicked on his contact and it began to ring. In the distance I heard his ring tone. What? I walked carefully towards the sound until it went to message bank.

I called again and it was closer this time. I turned the corner and in between two bushes laid a bruised and bloody Simon. I dropped my phone as I felt my heart break at the sight.

He was barely conscious. I examined him quickly hoping nothing was broken.

"Who did this to you Simon!" I tried to keep the anger out of my voice but I was unsuccessful. I was furious at whoever would do this. Simons eyes met mine, they held so much pain and sadness and I felt my eyes water, until I was crying.

I picked up my phone and dialed an ambulance but Simons hand caught my wrist weakly.

"Don't, nothing is broken, I just want to go home and rest. Please," I hesitated at his request but then complied.

I gently starting to pick him up trying to not hurt him. Once he was off the ground I started walking to my car. I put him in the passenger seat and then I got in myself and started driving to his house.

"It was those guys, from school," Simon whispered softly. I gripped the steering wheel tightly trying to control my anger and sadness. I should have been there.

I wiped away a few stray tears and glanced over at Simon. He looked weak and tired. He definitely needed rest. We got to his house and I carried him inside. His mum had went out I'm guessing.

I carried him to his room and laid him into his bed. I leant down and kissed his forehead softly and went to walk away when once again his hand grabbed mine.

"Stay..." Simon croaked out painfully. I nodded and smiled at him sadly. I carefully got into bed with him. I wrapped my arm around his waist making sure not to hurt him.

"Get some rest Si, we will deal with this in the morning,"


There you go I hoped you liked it ❤ ❤


Thank you so much for 132K ILY!!!

Published: 26.8.17
Edited: 14.9.17

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