A Sweet, Desperate, Craving

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Bahm 🧑🏻‍🦱

It's been three days since I left the forbidden forest, as the humans would call it and my wolf, Aldrerix, has been begging me to go back ever since.

I've giving instructions around the palace to let me sleep and all my maids have been doing just so. It's also been four days since I've seen Cynthia and she hasn't been happy about it.

I did feel a incredible force pulling me back to that forest, but I knew I had to deal with my soon-to-be, psychopathic, vampire princess of a bride!

I got news late last night that she had went and convinced the left and right ministers, to agree with the kingdom's council on trying to come up with a potion that could create life inside her with my seed!

I was furious!

We all knew I couldn't have kids unless it was with another demon, and she went and did this!

Who said I wanted kids with her?
Who did Cynthia think she was to me??!!!

Her maids came into my chambers to let me know that she had arrived to the castle and summoned my presence for lunch. I became enraged and roared at all of them to leave my room at once.

Has this woman gone mad? She comes into MY castle and summons ME!

My servants and court maids came in a hurry to dress me but I threw the blankets off and held my hands up to dress myself.

I met Cyn in the dining hall a half an hour later. I threw a pretty big tantrum at the maids when they kept insisting I dress formally and not in slacks. I didn't want to impress anyone today. I was tired of this wedding shit and it was starting to make me nauseous.

She talked about how upset I seemed to be these past few days and how she wasn't only agreeing to marrying me for my mother sake nor her own kingdom, but how she saw herself fit enough to be my queen.

Blah blah blah. The kingdom needs a strong woman blah blah blah! How we knew each other for so many centuries, blah blah blah.

She even asked for sex tonight in front of my mother and her father that was present at the table. I couldn't help but to laugh. This is the woman my mother and her people agreed for me to take as queen...

I couldn't even tell you what else we converse about, because I let my enhanced hearing and scent wander deep into the forbidden forest until I could get a scent of that She-Wolf again.

I found myself licking my lips at her mouth watering scent as every one talked amongst themselves, but I blocked them out, along with the other noises of the forest that tried to distract me.

I closed my eyes. She seemed to be amongst a small human village and a lot deeper into the forest than the last time I had encountered her.

I could hear waves and smell the salt in the air. She was somewhere near the ocean.

The Strait of Tartary to be exact!

Listening in, I could hear two feet being dragged in sandy gravel. Wait...TWO!



Shouting, I stood up from chair like a mad man. Startling everyone in the room. I brushed myself and sat back down. They're used to me being weird anyways.

It took all my will power to stay seated, pretending to enjoy my favorite dishes in front of me, when I rather teleport myself to her and see what she looks like naked.

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