Just one peek

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Bahm's been gone for some time now. Almost a few hours and it was almost dinner time. HE would have to sleep pretty soon for his normal demonic fights.

"Hunnie, I promise he is fine, don't worry. I can feel him too." Kris keeps telling me every ten or so minutes.

I kept lying to him, telling him I wasn't worried, but deep down I was dying to know what was going on over in the Vampire's Castle!

"Do you forget I am connected to Bahm, who's connected to you in so many different ways? I know you are lying to me and I also know what you think about because he can hear them!" He teases me as I try to walk away from him.

"Come show me something in here." He points to the spell book Bahm gave me. I was actually pretty impressed, as most of these spells I've never heard of before!

We both laid on Bahm's bed, flipping through the stiff and delicate pages of the book while I explained to him what each page was about.

"This symbol means baby. The one with the triangle over the small stick figure. It's a infertility spell. The triangle represents a woman menstrul cycle, and since its purple in color it means harm to it."

He seemed like he was listening, paying attention to the pictures on the pages and trying to read latin. He then gets bored and begins flipping through more pages.

"Oh the is my favorite!" I say as he flips to a spell I already know.

"Right when you are about to fall asleep, you make these motions with your hands and then place both hands around your chest, allowing your soul to leave its body and sleep walk as you lay there looking asleep."

"A sleep walking spell?" He pushed up his face at me like he wasn't impressed, but he doesn't understand how useful it is to know a spell of this kind.

Swatting his head a way from my book, I got up to use to restroom. Feeling extra heavy today, I believe I am bloated and my menstrual might be on it's way.

I was a bit nervous to ask where the women's sanitary napkins could be, so I just walked into Bahm's bathroom and began searching under his sink and inside the small closets to the corner.

Nothing but lots of towels and first aid kits lingered everywhere. Maybe some cologne here and there and hair products, but nothing for a woman...Then again, it is The King's room.

Closing the paneled doors for the small closet in here, and the shower turns on.

Its Bahm. He must've teleported himself in here after taking his clothing off somewhere else. I can see he's a bit dirty and maybe even bloody. Instantly becoming worried for what had taken place.

The rogues deserved consequences, but I was afraid of a war. War would mean I might have to be left alone, leave or even lose someone...

His body is facing away from me as he scrubs vigorously on his body. My eyes boldly travelling down his back and to his plump man butt. It was cute and looked squishy to the touch. Hot shivers swimming all throughout my body

His body turns and I get to see his massive, veiny phallus dangling between his legs as water streams down it. His hands come down to clean it just at the glass doors begin to fog. I watch him look like he's stroking his member, and my face starts to heat up at my imagination. My head tilts to the side and I nearly jump out of my soul when I heard Kris's voice.

"Wow. Someone's really in heat." His head poking through the door grinning and I hear Bahm groan from the shower.

I could feel my face turning red and I walk straight towards Kris, bumping into him as I leave the bathroom.

He pinches my butt and I turn around and start silently beating him. He always makes things awkward around Bahm! Now I can't even look at him!

Pulling his hair he starts to snicker and giggle. He pulls my hand off of his hair and holds my wrist, which leads me to going to bite his hand around mine.

He lets go, bear hugging me from the front. Smashing my face against his chest with my arms tightly at my side. Muffled snickers were leaving my throat as well and I try to bite his neck, all the while he's laughing through this whole thing, which in turn make me giggle at our playfulness.

Remembering days in school where I had to chase him away violently like this sometimes. Mostly him giggling ad running before I could ever land a hit on him.

He picks me up and throws me on the bed. A snort leaving my throat when my chin touches my chest. "Kris!" I yell laugh and he's already jumping on the bed to slam his body down onto me.

I roll out of the way, but not quick enough and he lands on my back and grabs my hands over my head. He starts to groan and moan while bringing his face to sniffing my hair. I lay there on my stomach still giggling and he bites my ears, sending a warm sensation to my core.

I feel his erection through the jeans he was wearing and he starts to grind against my ass as more moans leaves his throat. Letting one of my hands go, he moves all my hair onto one side to nibble at the back of my neck.

A tingling trickle leaving my womanhood. His teeth gazing against my skin provoked me to push my ass up against his groin. He lets my other hand above my head go and grips my waist, pulling me into him while he grindede some more.Shoving his face keeping into my neck. His scent was infiltrating my nose satisfyingly. His hands slides up and around my shirt grabbing onto my breast, squeezing them as he pushes his weight onto my rump. One hand comes to my thighs, tugging on the seams of my tights, pulling them down.

"Stick it up more." His voice comes out heavy in my ears and eases off to slide my tights down from behind me. I stick my rear higher into the air, feeling a smack before his teeth grazes my fatty flesh. He sucks harshly on my cheeks, squeezing my meat in his hand and pulls my waist to turn over.

My body trembling with excitement! Who am I right now!

Turning around to face him, he continues to pull my tights from around my ankles, opening my legs wide and eyeing my moist bits. I bring my hand down to cover myself and he smirks, pulling his sweeter over his head. He lays his body on me and begins to suck at my neck, running his tongue all around my jawline and face while his hands are tucked under my rear.

Wrapping my legs around him, I turn my head so he could suck on the other side seductively and my eyes fall to Bahm sitting by his bookcase to the left of us. I gasp lighty, trying to turn my head the other side from shame. Watching his hungry green eyes take in Kris's lusy actions.

"Kris...stop..." I moan when he brings his mouth over my mark, sucking it like no end in tomorrow.

"He wants to watch. let me do you Hunnie." Kris smooshes his lips against my cheeks and holds my hands above my head again.

"No Kris.." I whimper, feeling very skittish and avoiding the hearty eyes of Bahm's. He sat there shirtless and just a towel over his waist, not hiding his erection that was forming.

"Do I have your permission?" Kris lifts off of me and looks into my eyes. I look at Bahm quickly then back to Kris. I was too shy to let The King see this, but I nod.

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