But, How

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Eavesdropping on Kris in the healing room with Hunnie really made me feel uncomfortable. So uncomfortable, the ladies have been looking at me weirdly. I could barely even my meal and just sat in my chair with my finger on my chin.

Cyn, and Anna was seated at the other end of the dining table, pretending to eat their foods when I knew they were doing the same thing I was doing.

Listening to the cries of Kris when he had woken up. He'd been extremely emotional towards the witch. It's making me feel ill. I've never heard Kris shed tears like that. It actually really hurt me to listen to him bawling.

It bothered me deeply.
There must be more about this woman, for her to hold that great of a power over my Kris. There must be! Who is she exactly!

I felt very shameful for flushing her child from her body. I was enraged, filled with jealousy that Kris kept coming to this lowly woman's side. He even carried her all the way to the fourth floor, with his face bleeding from my scratch. I felt like I was losing him to her. He keeps choosing just her, not even trying to hear me out.

Ive performed many operations on humans in my past life before, never a flushing of a child, but my nose knew where my seed was buried inside of her. I fetched it out quickly, her womb bleeding profusely from my aggression. I ordered for the flesh and remains to be burned instantly.

"What...are you going to do with the child?" I dropped my fork onto my plate and looked up at Cyn slowly. She dare speak right now!

Her nosey, annoying voice was not in its place to even ask me such a thing. Only my people knew what I've done. My people knew that child was no more and I never wanted to hear about it again!

Murderous daggers penetrate her brown and gold, twinkling eyes. I didn't have to answer any questions from her.

"Are you...going to father...this child? I'll help you raise it Bahm."

Clenching my jaw and closing my eyes I mumbled angrily, "Stop.Talking.Cyn! I'm not speaking about it anymore!"

"But...but..everyone can see that Kris likes this witch a lot. That's why I'm only trying to help you both with this fùcked up situation. It should have been me with that baby inside my womb!" She raises her voice boldly.

I remain calm in my seat, slouching all the way back and rubbing my forehead in my palms. I ignore Cyn and bring my eyes over to Anna. She sat across from her, with a face pouting like she's hiding something. I can sense a feel of lingering emotions out of her body. Sympathy.

Anna's eyes keep searching my face. Waiting for me to tell her something, or waiting to discuss some matters with me, but then again, that could just be her regular submissive face. She was also making me feel uncomfortable.

My ears pick up on Hunnie awakening, with Kris being so lovey dovey to her. It all brought me a sense of remorse. Feeling troubled just listening to her sob away about the life I threw away from inside her. Her child.

My heart begins to ache, that was my child too, now I must bear listening in on her cries about her baby and see her pained face from Kris's view. I could see her perfectly once I tapped into his eyesight. A gift I got after turning him lycan.

Goosebumps covering my flesh at the kisses he plants on her head. Her aura spoke volumes, she called out to us both and I didn't understand that. Hell, I've felt it the moment she first came into my chambers to assist the other maids that day.

"I'm not going to eat, and watch you listen in on Kris and his new girlfriend" Cyn stands up from her seat, staring at me for a reaction. Like she's been doing since she got here.

I start to feel jealous. His new girlfriend, eh?

Why would I feel jealous! I don't care about that woman! He can have her! The words began to burn my chest. Provoking me to release my own kind of venom onto her.  I stand up and stare at her for a few seconds. My hand places flat onto the table.


Ferociously roaring in Cyn's direction, I paused. A sweet, alluringly irresistible scent, slaps me right in the face. Stifling my lungs and making my heart beat irregularly.

My nose became obsessed with the scent instantly as I stand straight up and sniff the air. Anna stands up and covers her mouth as I stare down at my plate, connecting the scent. I run to the sweet, earthy smell, not even sparing them any glances.

I stop in my tracks and look down on the floor of the healing room, to where my demonic wolf speed blows Hunnie right off the bed. The scent....it's hers.

She's crying.....
She smells so sweetly.

"She's our mate." Aldrerix mumbled in my head.

My mate?....

Wh-When did I mark this woman? My heart began throbbing in pain, the same pain I've been feeling from Kris's heart.

This woman is my mate...How?

I turn around and seen Kris's tall Lycan form breathing heavily. His eyes looking murderous, fangs covered in slime and his claws twitching. He hates me.

"Kris... Kris...I didn't know..." He jumps on my body, his mouth and teeth come penetrating over my face, crushing my cheekbones.

We both fall backwards on the bed, missing the mattress and landing on the ground. Hunnie laying on the ground, shielding herself right next to us.

Kris opens his mouth from my face and digs his claws into my chest repeatedly, until blood is practically spraying out. My blood begins filling my throat as my face heals from his bite mark.

I don't know what to do.

I deserve this.

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