Someone Has Feelings

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Cynthia Vladorian

My ears picked up small chatter outside the vacuumed sealed dungeon doors.  The room is still dark, not even a light shining in from any cracks anywhere! My body ached and I've been feeling so sick lately.

Lifting my head that was beginning to sore from hanging low these passed two weeks, my stomach growled tremendously like a feeling Ive never had experience. I can't beleive Bahm threw me in here like some villain!!!

Fùck his mate!!

I know he'll back for me. I'm also sure he killed that Dark Witch already, the one he claims is his mate. There's no way the heavens fated him with a preganant Dark Witch! What are they, stupid!!

Then supposedly the child she is carrying, is his child! I wondered if they really were dead already.

Thinking about it made me furious! He treats me like garbage, all in front of MY people because of magic I used on him! Ughh!!!! I've gotten witches to perform many spells on him...did they live? No, but it wasn't something new to throw me out like this!!

That stupid fùcking witch Sylest!

She said there was no magic to conceive! SO WHY THE HELL WAS THAT WITCH CARRYING HIS SEED!!

My hunger was driving me mad. I've already killed five out of the dozen that was stuck in here with me. That'll show them not to offer their blood to their QUEEN!!

'Sniff Sniff'

I smell Bahm!



I can even smell his familiar scent of arousal!!!

My heart starts racing, making my head spin.


The mummified beings in the corner all shift slightly with their frail bodies from his scent. I managed to get up from my knees and onto my feet. The steel doors slide open and the fresh scent of blood, food, and my people, fills my nose.

I'm going to give it to Bahm so right for letting me out. I'll even let him mark my flesh during our intimacy like he used to do with Anna.

'Sniff Sniff'

Wait... where's Anna. She should have been here. She should have been one of the first ones I see!

"ABOUT TIME MOTHERFUCKERS!" Walking up to the door, and shielding my face, I see Bahm first. He turns his head and backs out of my way.

Pshh!! What the hell is he doing! Still mad I see!

"Cynthia you have to come with us." A man I've never seen before with long blonde hair and a braid to the side opens his filthy mouth to me.

I'm not going anywhere but to the kitchen! How dare he calls me Cynthia!

I shove passed the long blonde haired man and the guards blocks my way with their sword! I look up at them all while trying to grip one of the swords. Then I look to Bahm who had this calm yet unprovoked look on his face.

"Do you think you are free, or something?"

I turn around after hearing him finally speak.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN DO I THINK! I AM FREE!" My voice raises and I spin around. The scent of everyone's blood pulsating made me thirsty.

"Actually." He says while walking towards me with his hands to his back. He had this look in his eyes, a devious one that was actually getting me riled up.

A smile forms on my face as he gets closer and closer. Only a few inches covered our distance, so I lift my frail hand, reaching for the buttons on his shirt.

"Don't touch me!" He hisses, swatting my hand away. My face twists in confusion and disgust. He always plays hard to get in front of my people.

"I'll do as I please Bahm! Unless you have some blood for me, beat it!" I hiss back at him and he steps even closer to my face, bending down as his lips almost touched mine.

The hairs all over my body stands up from excitement. Bahm has never kissed me before. He must've really missed me!

"Hmmmph!" He smirks as I'm about lean into his lips.

"She really thinks she's free Englin." He says standing straight up and looking at the blonde haired man he called Englin.

Ugh what a ugly name!

"I need your signature...for our divorce." Bahm says way too cheerful I wasn't sure how to react.  He even sticks his hands in his pocket and rocks back and fourth with a smirk on his smooth, unwrinkled, baby face.

This must be a joke right!

I look to his face for a few seconds and his grew emotionless. His whole demeanor changes. How could he toy with me like this? ME! His proud and ruthless princess of a  whore!

"Are you serious?!" I look around to everyone including the guy with the ugly name. No one says anything back to me, pissing me off!

My head spinning from lack of food, my stomach growling, my joints aching from sitting the passed two weeks, and now this!!!

You gotta be fùcking kidding me!


He's really divorcing me?

He's come all the way here to let me out, just to divorce me???

"What happens after? I go back in?" My lips quivered from even asking such a question. My body produces an unwanted scent that I fear to understand.

"I'm starving and I feel sick. Can I eat first?"

"No..." Bahm answers automatically.

There was no way I'm going back in there feeling the way I do. It's d-dark, dirty, filled of maggots and it stinks! My stomach was even churning and I felt nauseous at the thought.


My mind raced at anything I could say or do to keep from going in there. It's not like I could say I was pregnant, or that I was sorry. He already knew I couldn't bare his child, since I've already tried with magic and he also knew I wasn't sorry for going behind his back and placing another spell on him.

I wasn't sorry.

I wasn't sorry that he almost killed his little mate and I was most definitely not sorry that beat her ass with a whip. That should of shown her to no go around sleeping with other peoples fiancé!

I go to open my mouth again, but Englin opens his instead.

"Yes my Princess. You have to return back and continue your punishment of 500 years." The man name Englin walks passed Bahm and up to me.

He smells familiar and almost looks familiar, but that name... no. I don't remember him.

"I'm not going back!" I hissed, but then an idea forms and I fall to my knees sensing a small life inside of me.

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