Shut Up, Draconius!

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Kris's POV

Placing the robe over Hunnie's lifeless body, I stared down endlessly at the woman I've used to know. Not sure how long I was rooted to my spot.

She passed out after Bham let her neck go. He was seething for the fact I had mentioned ripping out his heart from my chest. He didn't like that one at all.

Her body hits the steel floors, I was almost positive her injured back was beyond even my repair now.

My blood would only heal her injuries extremely slow. It's nothing compared to The King's all healing blood. I have to give her some...

I rushed upstairs, gathering a warm bucket of water, a needle with thread, clothes, brush and a small table.

This whole situation was making me feel uncomfortable. Even my attachment to her was driving my mind insane. I want to care for her...

Kneeling beside Hunnie, I sliced the top she wore from last time I brought clothes in. Peeling it off her skin, I gently washed her body. Totally ignoring her nakedness in front of my eyes.

I bite into my wrist, drawing blood and letting it trickle down her unconscious lips.

"There's a reason he feels this way, but The Demon-Wolf King will find out the worse way ever." The old, stupid dragon across the way speaks.

I haven't heard him speak in years. According to bahm, he had many abilities before his wing got ripped off. I didn't trust him either.

"Shut up Draconius. You don't know anything at all!"  I lash out. Lifting Hunnies neck and cleaning her with the blood soaked rag.

"You''re...fúcking old!" I yell at him. Biting my lips and taking my frustration out on him.

After wiping Hunnie's whole body down, and staring at her perfectly shaped breast a little longer than needed, I managed to clean her skin and took the needle to the open wounds. I cleaned the fully stitched wounds again and then cautiously put a dress over her head and pulled her arms through.

Then, I slid her arms though another silky kimono and added cotton socks to her dainty, yet bruised feet. How once before I'd die to be this close to her!

I bring the weird paddle brush I found in one of the bathrooms, and brush the ends of her hair. The moisture was cold at her ends, but near her scalp, her hair was pretty warm.

Watching as her curls turn into some other pattern. I kiss her warm skin. Landing a couple pecks to her forehead. Her flesh is hot and sends a warm sensation down my spine. Sparks if you call it.

'Get some rest my Queen. Tomorrow is never promised.' The thought came out like second nature.

My Queen, I'll be back later.


Hunnie's POV

My eyes flutter open and I awoke fully clothed. Even socks on my feet and a thick, cotton dress. One that doesn't seem suited for a witch in a dungeon. I run my hands over the silkiness covering the dress.

Lying completely flat, I propped myself on my elbows, waiting for the pain in my back to shoot down to my legs.

When it doesn't, I slowly put all my weight on my hands and wrist, bringing myself to a sitting position. The pain was still there but it didn't restrict my movements as much. I indeed had been dressed.

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