Confusion: An Understatement

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I Woke up in a cold, dark place.

 My body ached and pounded from head-to-toe, especially by my lower back. Trying to get myself to sit up, but my back isn't budging. 

The excruciating pain stopping me from allowing myself to rise from the cold, steel floors.

All around is pitch black and not even my poor wolf eyes could see through the darkness. Not that I would even know how to control those just yet anyways...

A familiar scent floods the dark room. The hairs on my body ride to its highest.

 I began nervously looking around, but even the pain in my neck restricted my movements.

A fire on the wall flickers on to my side, and I struggle to adjust my blurry vision to the low and subtle light. I turn my head facing away from it.

Managing to see a figure stands there, examining me. I only want to ask what's going on, but the pain in my throat isn't granting my vocal chords the right to work properly.

" Who are you? I won't ask again..." My mate's voice fills the cold room.

My body shivers at his tone. Why is he treating me like this?

Who am I really?....

A raspy voice coming from my throat manages to conjure up, " Hun..nie" and I turn my head to face him.

With my vision loosening up a bit, I can see my mate holding a jar filled with yellow, bubbly, contents. The smell causing a burning in my throat.

I look at him with troublesome eyes. I wish this was all over, he looks ever so handsome and I craved for his better touches...

He stares down back at me, scrutinizing my scared rabbit eyes. I felt helplessly in love.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE MY CHILD AND ALSO HAPPEN TO BE A HYBRID? WHAT MAGIC DID YOU USE TO CARRY MY SEED, WITCH?!" He roars  so loud my ears burst, startling me from admiring him.

I began crying uncontrollably. He never used to ever raise his voice at me. Ever.

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