A Life For Us

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Bahm, The Demon-Wolf Tribrid🌕🌑

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Three years have gone by and the twins were now seven years old, pushing eight, and our youngest boy, Kyung, was almost three years old. 

This year has been a pretty difficult year for us,
For we laid Kris and Kyung to magically crypto sleep, and the twins were due to sleep the next 100 years as well, come tomorrow.

Hunnie had really been pushing her studies about Dark and Light Magic with them ever since we unlocked the seal on Hubi's powers after her 5th birthday. She pushed even harder, when Kris came up with the idea of sleeping for one hundred years after his 30th birthday.

It took a lot of convincing to show her they would all be safe, and it was only to spend the most time with me during my life. Unless they all turned immortal, this was the only way I could spend centuries with them. 

We came up with the idea to magically put everyone to sleep every two years for one hundred years. Even Hunnie's friends were doing the same, but we had no idea when they would awake, for they were using their coven's powers, not mine. 

"I can't wait to see what you'll look like in one hundred years my handsome King," Hunnie lay in my chamber bed next to our family, cupping my face.

"I'm sure I'll look the same," shooting her a half smile and rubbing her hand all against my face, a single eye drop falls.

"Don't be sad my love.
You can also sleep too."

"But I don't trust anyone to watch over you all, but me." I kiss her hands many times, and her lips, inhaling her scent, before I whisper away the preservationist spell.

I take her hands in mine one more time, kissing her softly, then I tuck the blankets over her arms, and up to her chest.

How I'll miss her warmth, her scent...
How I'll miss all of them.

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When the first one hundred agonizing years went by, I woke Kris and he had a different scent to him. My nose had been around many elder immortals the past years, strengthening my conscious mind, and his blood was exhibiting signs of immortality! I hoped this was true, because I would really loved if he stopped aging now!

I woke him earlier than Hunnie and the children, spending ten years more with him alone and confirming that he was never going to age again!

Leaving the castle and traveling with gypsies, we created multiple different safe heavens for our family, and learned about the world ahead of us, planning on how to spend the two years together with the family. 

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