Don't Mess with The Pregnant Lady!

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I fell asleep at some point, after Kris began researching the backstories to some of the major Dark Spell. His deep and enchanting voice must've soothed me to sleep when he began reading his findings out loud.


Hunnie wake up.


I wipe the drool from the side of my face, as Kris's hands does as well, and I open my tired eyes. I wanted to stay in bed and sleep. Could I just sleep away this whole day today? This made me pretty moody and miserable that I must stay awake. Two hours wasn't enough!

"You doing alright?" I nod my head and Kris wraps his arms around me, pulling me up to sit.

"I let you sleep for a good two hours, but we need you up now." He says with a slick smile on his face. Who's we, is Bahm awake now?

"The midwives will be in soon to measure your stomach size again and I need you naked!" He sings the last part and cups my swollen breast, kissing the top of my cleavage again.

 I was too tired and annoyed to be phased by the butterflies flying around in my stomach, so I began sliding my arms out from my off the shoulder gown right away.

Out comes my hot and heavy, firm breast, then Kris groans before helping me pull the gown down over my stomach. I close my eyes again, hanging my heavy head low and running my hands over my tight stomach. I felt different, more pain directly in the middle of my stomach, but then Kris's cold lips begin kissing on my tight flesh, taking my mind from the sudden pain.

"Oh my! 

Why are your lips so cold!"

"I was outside," his voice muffles against my bump and he cups both sides of my body, rubbing his head on my babies. His actions were very cute, it sent a smiling giggle to my lips and I run my fingers through his soft curly hair. He looks up at me from his kisses and eyes my gum drops of  nipples.


They hurt badly!" I tell him, but he says he'll be gentle.

He places his hand to each of my sides, capturing my nipples in his mouth delicately. The warmth from his mouth sends a spark of electric to my toes, and the feeling of his slimy tongue made a moan want to escape, but it didn't hide how painful his sucking was. He suckles deeply before his mouth slowly unlatches off my girls. I watch him with desperate eyes as he sucks in his bottom lip. I wanted what he had to offer too, but in this state, I barely wanted it anymore. I could barely stay in one position for long!

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