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Bahm comes teleporting in the room right in front of me after I finished shifting. He looks down on the floor below him, as if anything left in that heart can ever make up for the pain he put Hunnie through. He stared at her too long there, I didn't even want him looking at her anymore!

I jump on him, capturing his whole face in my mouth right when he turns to face me. Sinking my canines into his jaw and cheek bones. His blood trickling it's way into my mouth, giving me the ultimate boost of energy.

The words, "I didn't know" kept flooding our mental link, since he couldn't talk with my claws deep in his chest and his face under my fangs.

I ignored his remark. It made me even more sick to know he had a mate and he treated her poorly, all because he "didn't know". All because of her existence really.

How could Bahm, The almighty Demon-Wolf King, not smell that he had his mate right under his nose!!! Now she's going to reject him, now she's going to reject me!!! I will never forgive him if she does!

After biting and jumping on him, we fall backwards, missing the bed and landing on the floor next to Hunnie's shaking body. She shrieks blindly as she lays on the floor. I felt so sorry for her and wished I could of been around when he first found her. None of this would if happened!...

My canines slip out of his face, I dug my nails deep into his chest, pulverizing his flesh like it was a piece of meat.

I wasn't going to stop until the gold tunic he wore, was soaked in blood. The same blood he's been refusing to heal Hunnie with. He wasn't even fighting back, just trying to push me off of his body and hold my arms.

Seeing red, I shredded his flesh from the face down.

How could he not know! It bothered me dearly! Is he on a spell or something?! Has someone done something to his head!!!!!

Even I felt this bond! This was all preposterous!!

The monster in me bites Bahm's neck like a rag doll and I begin shaking my head from side to side. Hoping to pull a chunk of his meat off. He deserves all that's coming to him!

All the blood oozing out from his healing wounds, was the same blood I was going to take and heal our mate with. He's been denying my request all the king so now,  I'll just take his blood on my own!



Hearing fighting, grunts, and even whimpering, but I can't see a thing. Is it Kris and The King fighting?

Fear begins to take over my body. What if The King kills Kris! What is he really hurts him!

Objects in the room begin falling over, crashing down only a few feet away from me. More shrieking from outside of the room reaches my ears. I hurriedly slid my body up and around, reaching out for the bed I laid on earlier.

I grasp onto the sheets to pull my body up.

Where is the door, I want to leave this mess right now. It sounds very terrifying.

"Krissss.." I began sobbing.

I didn't even know in which direction the door could be. So helpless.

Grunts and more scrambling feet come stomping over to my side. It sounded like more than one person. My body shielded itself, pulling my knees to my chest and burying my head in between.

"KRIS! YOUR HIGHNESS!" Yells a familiar voice belonging to Nyku. The King's assistant. I flinched at her tone.

Then my body shudders hearing a pained roar leaving Kris's mouth. "THAT'S! HIS! MATE!" Followed along with cracking of the bones and liquids dropping to the ground.

My hairs all along my body stands up, as I sit helplessly on the ground. Cradling my rocking body.

Hands reach under my legs and picks me up from the floor. I jump at the warmth from their body, making me throw my hands around their neck. My face buries into Kris's long hair and I hold onto his neck tightly.

He takes a few steps before I hear him closing the door behind him. Feeling his heart pounding extremely fast in his chest, as if he has two hearts in there.

He places me on a hard surface, a countertop I take it, and brings a wet cloth to my face. The cloth smells weirdly like The King's and his scent. He wipes my face before bringing it to my mouth.

The liquids stream down between my lips and I lick at it. It taste metallic like blood and I dry heave at thinking it really was. I turn my head away from it.

"What is that Kris?" My lips quivered.

His voice comes out deep and calm. "Blood from The King."


He continues to run it along my arms and thighs. Why does he have The King's blood?!!!

My whole body shakes in denial. I didn't want his blood. I don't want anything that belong to him, I'm not even worthy enough to keep his child...

"As his mate, you deserved to be healed by his immortal blood Hunnie."

I shake my head no and avoid his hand with the cloth. I don't want anything to do with that monster!

I would rather die, especially since I don't have my babies anymore, there's no reason for me to even want anything more from him.

Then he took my eyesight from me. What more does he have to take in order for me leave this place!

"Hunnie please absorb the cloth in your mouth. I promise your face and back will heal instantly maybe even your vision." Kris says to me while lifting my roo over my head.

I decline and go to cover my breast right away. What is he doing taking my shirt off? Goosebumps cover my body, my nipples perking straight into my hands.

The room grows silently after I decline to be healed by The King's blood. I can still smell my mates scent all over Kris, so I know he's still in front of me.

Then I feel his hands brush down my arms. Tingling sparks prick at my flesh as his hands trails all the way to my hands holding my breast. His fingers caressing my chest.

My clit started to ache all on it's own. Feeling even a My heart began racing. His touches felt very addicting too. So close to that of The King's.

My brain telling me that we could let him soothe us in anyway he wanted to right now. My body reacts on its own, dropping my hands to my side, revealing my two naked breast for Kris's eyes to see.

A small groan is heard in front of me.

Not sure what took over us in this horrifying moment, but the warm and moist mouth of Kris', latches onto my nipples. Sending the sensitive sensation down to my throbbing nub.

Not fighting back the sudden urges, I pull his head in deeper, craving for his majestically, nurturing touches.

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