Red Momma Inzotta

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Mrs. Hunnie Bahm ♛

All I see is my vision tunneling as I run.

I found my mother!

She's still here!

"Oh Hunnie!" She cries running down the front porch steps with her bouncy, curly, red hair. I meet her in the middle of her yard, running into her arms and wrapping my own around her neck. She looks the same!

Bahm bring his hands to my back we both sobbed on each other's shoulders.

"Come in, Come in!

The neighbors are watching." She chuckles and I grab Bahm's hands while we walk up the steps. His thumb began trailing across my knuckles in comfort, inviting a superficial smile across my face.

But why did he say no one was in here? 

That was strange.

Upon entering her house, Bahm hesitates before taking a step in. I turn around, eyeing his eyebrows that were pulled together and his mouth drawn downwards. 

"What is it?" I say softly, stopping behind my mother.

"There's many spells on this house Hunnie...

Will any hurt me?" He says in our link and I gasp, forgetting all about the spells surrounding the house to protect my mother.



I shriek, removing a a destructive spell harming demons once they enter in.


 Even though Bahm was only half, I'm sure it would still hurt him! I guess I'll have to wait to see if anything else starts to affect him once he reaches inside, because I was so young when I did this, I couldn't even tell you...

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