What The!

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Hunnie hasn't been her self all day. She's been asleep since yesterday with a high fever. I couldn't focus on my regular demon fighting at all with her like this. Her fever made her body shut down a few times. We were all worried for her. 

Kris and I didn't have time last night to eat dinner, we were both a nervous wreck, yelling at Jacorius for the ingredients of our lunch, and all the way to the maids that does the laundry, wondering if she might've caught an allergic reaction to something.

I even teleported the Seer of my Kingdom to see if she could read Hunnie aura, looking for any spells that might've been placed on her. I feared Sylest might've casted a spell on my mate and my nose was struggling to pick it up! 

We couldn't sleep, nor eat. Mostly Kris as he forced me to sleep for my fight late morning and after returning this morning, I only munched on a dragon fruit which I knew was more than he had. He was restless. He stayed up last night, watching movies on his phone while keeping an eye on Mirah who was monitoring Hunnie's temperature and fluids while I slept.

After arriving shortly after 6am and taking my shower, Mirah and Kris were awake and removing layers of blankets from Hunnie's body.

"What's going on." I questioned, running my hands over my sleepy eyes after coming from the shower

They informed me that her fever was spiraling and she needed to be transported to the tub for a quick fever relief. 

I walked over to the closet while they undressed her completely naked, threw on boxers and came back around to lift Hunnie from the bed. I used my telekinesis to full the tub with cool water and brought her in. I helped Hunnie in my arms as I lowered myself in. Right away Mirah grabs a cloth, dunking it in the water and pressing it to Hunnie's forehead.

Our bodies were so close I could feel my myself absorb her fever and reducing her own slowly. She whimpers a few times and I tried coaxing her to wake up, but she was still in her daze sleep. I really wanted her to wake up so I could ask her if he wanted me to heal her from whatever it is thats making her feel ill with a high fever.

After wiping  her body down and returning her back to my bed, Kris and I helped Mirah dress Hunnie. Kris was beginning to feel drowsy as soon as we tucked Hunnie in, so we let him sleep next her for the rest of the day.

Lunch and dinner came by, and I ate thirds both times, with a few snacks in between as I waited for this awakening. I was trying to make up for the past two days where I barely received any sleep. I even took a short nap just before 9pm a night and woke an hour later.

Having an unfamiliar and scary dream, I woke up in a cold sweat and barely able to get myself off the sofa in the lounge room. I ran to my chambers, fearing my dream was some kind of vision since I don't have any new dreams besides my past. 

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