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Huh? Why am I in very expensive-looking bed?

I found myself in a very big and fancy looking bed. The pillows felt nice and comfortable, the blanket was made of red velvet, and the room I was in made it seem like I was rich but the truth is, I'm not.

How did I get here? The last thing I remember was coming out of a maid cafe and heading to Otome Road so that I could get another issue of my favorite manga. 

You see, I'm a major anime and manga fan. I basically live the life of an Otaku.

Sure I still have to work and stuff but it just so happens that my engineering jobs always end up in my favorite anime and manga stores. Since I always have to repair stuff at those places, I can always relax after I finish my job.

It's like life is telling me I deserve a break and they send me to my favorite shops. 

Anyway, when I was heading to Otome Road, I got an update on my phone of the new release of a video game. I went to check the update but instead of stopping, I kept walking. 

That was always a habit of mind. Now, after that, I continued walking until . . . I got hit by a truck!

Now I remember! When I was looking at my phone, I walked across the street when you weren't supposed to yet.

Next thing I knew, I heard the horn of a truck and I got hit. Everything after that is a blur.

Does this mean I'm dead? Looking at my surroundings, it doesn't look like I'm dead.

If I'm not dead, then how did I end up here? Shouldn't I be in a hospital?

Speaking of which, shouldn't I be in pain or something? 

I took a look at my body and saw that I didn't have any injuries what's so ever. That's weird.

Usually, when you're hit by a vehicle, you would at least have some kind of scar or major injury but it doesn't seem like I had any. What's going on?

 I got out of bed and saw myself in blue pajamas. I saw slippers in front of me and I decided to put them on.

I left the room I was sleeping in and saw a very long and narrow hall. I walked through the hall and continued to look around.

Who could afford something like this? This place looks extremely expensive.

"Hello!" I shouted in the hall.

No response, huh. Am I the only one here?

After a few minutes of halls and stairs, I found myself in what looked like the living room. Maybe I can find a phone.

By the way, why does the living room look so ancient? I'm not saying that it's old but it doesn't look modern either.

I didn't see a couch but there were a few medieval like chairs. Even though they looked old, they also looked expensive as well.

Where am I?

I then heard a loud roar coming from outside. 

"What the hell?!" 

I rushed outside to see what was going on. When I got outside, I couldn't believe my eyes.

I was no longer in Japan or even on earth anymore because what I was witnessing was something that my old world couldn't have.

"A Dragon?!" I screamed due to the most fantasy-like creature.

That's a dragon . . . A real dragon!

It was huge, had red scales, and I saw it breathe fire out its mouth. It was flying around the place I was in, in a circle.

I can't believe it. I'm actually seeing a real-life dragon.

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