Chapter 41: The Turn Of Events

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-Nami's POV-

Looks like these bandits aren't going into battle until Hazel's bandit arrives. 

Why do I get the feeling that Yuuto is going to use that to his advantage? I bet once Yuuto hears about this bandit that's coming to apprehend him, he'll use that bandit to send a message.

Once I got all the information I needed, my legion of cats and I scrammed. I still can't believe one of my cats coughed up a hairball on one of them.

I guess that cat really hated the bandit. 

Anyway, my little cat brigade scattered around the forest to do their own thing while I went back to the castle. It took about an hour to get there because if I remained in my cat form, it would've taken longer and I needed to inform the others about this.

The guards knew about me so I didn't really have to sneak past them but it's a force of habit that I can't stop it. Once I snuck past the guards, I went to the Throne room but before I went inside, I turned back into a cat and snuck in.

I found Kenji and Yuno guarded the royal family as they sit on their Thrones. I wonder where Yuuto is.

"Kenji, I have some information for Yuuto. Where is he?" I asked.

"Master is currently at the shop working on something." He told me.

Well, since he's not here I'll tell Kenji instead. I then told Kenji the information that I gathered.

"Hmm, I see. I think you should tell this to Master. Yuno and I have to stay here to protect the royal family in case anyone tries to assassinate them." 

After my conversation with Kenji was over, I left the castle and went back to the shop. When I got there, I was greeted by Iris and only her.

"Hello, Nami." 

"Hey, Iris. Where's Yuuto at?" 

"I'm not sure. I believe he to the castle with Kenji and Yuno." 

"But I just came from there and I didn't see him."

"That's strange. Maybe he took a detour or something and it's taking a while." 

That can't be right. Where the hell is he?

We're about to fight bandits that are invading the city and he's nowhere to be seen. Just when I thought this, a portal appeared behind me which no only startled Iris but also me.

I changed back into my human form and took out a dagger to protect Iris. Yuuto then appeared coming out of the portal.

"Hey, guys." He greeted us.

I lowered my weapon and stopped guarding Iris.

"Where were you? I have information that you might want to know." I told him.

"What do you got?" He asked.

"The bandits won't be attacking until one of Hazel's bandits arrive. She plans to get that bandit to apprehend you and Iris and send you straight to her."

"I see. How long do you think it'll take?" He asked.

"I have some of my cats hiding from the bandits at the base so if they catch the bandits on the move, I'll know." 

"Alright, good job."

"By the way, where were you?" I asked.

"I was in the lab back at the base building some things." 

"What kind of things?" 

Yuuto then gave me his demonic smile.

"Just a few things that can help us in our fight. You'll find out when we go in." He told me.

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