Chapter 53: The Hunt Is On

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-David's POV-

I can't believe that Billy was protecting my target. 

With him in the way, I can't hold back in the slightest. I've known Billy for almost a decade now. 

Although I know him, this is actually a first time for me seeing him do something like this. He never owes anyone.

He believes owing people only drags him down so he doesn't do it. The fact that Billy is protecting Shoda Yuuto because he owes him means somethings up.

What did Shoda Yuuto do to get Billy on his side? How resourceful and dangerous is Shoda Yuuto?

I tried looking him up in the Ogasawara records but nothing popped up. Even Zane is perplexed about Yuuto's origin.

He obviously erased his whole record so we couldn't get anything on him to get a heads start. I mean it's not like he just popped up out of nowhere. 

Speaking of which, I wonder how that summoning ritual is going on. 

In the Drolen Continent, there's always a hero summoning ritual whenever a big threat appears. I heard that a demon lord showed up and is currently attack that Continent. 

Good thing we don't have to deal with that. In the south, we were able to enslave the demons along with the other races.

Although we enslaved them, there have been conflicts about the matter. The North said that we shouldn't enslave the other races but cooperate and the South didn't like that idea.

The South believes that all races except humans should be enslaved to protect us. The other races are stronger than us and will do anything to take us down so they believe that they should strike first.

After that, the entire Continent separated and began a civil war on slavery. There have been a few battles but both sides were still at a standstill.

I was tempted to leave this place until their little fight was over but some of my best clients are here so I had to stay if I wanted to earn my money. I just wish that these idiots would stop this nonsense. 

Anyway, after my fight with Billy, I had to retreat and think of a plan to deal with him. While I was doing that, I realized that Shoda Yuuto escaped.

I found out when I saw that his entire shop was gone. How the hell was he able to do that?

His shop could've been my ticket to finding him. I guess he's really cautious about these things.

Damn it! Now I don't have any clues to figure out where Shoda Yuuto is. 

The only thing I can think of is that he's going North. I got a few sources that told me this guy is traveling north. 

If that's the case then I need to head North. The country north of here is the Ochen county so he'll likely be heading there. 

I remember that Yona City is in the Ochen Country. It's near the ocean and used as a port for supply transfers from other continents.

Since he's heading towards there, I might be able to get there before him and do an ambush. I'll likely not be able to pull it off thanks to Billy but I still have to try.

Alright, looks like I'm heading to Yona City now.

-Yuuto's POV-

After we left The Ancient City, we had to sleep over a couple of villages while heading off to The Ochen Country.

It was about a couple hundred miles so it'll take about a couple of days for us to get there. Until then, we just need to be patient and cautious.

I say that but everyone seems to be bored out of their wits. 

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