Chapter 19: Missing Shops And The Barricade

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-Billy's POV-

I haven't been to Gora City in a while.

I believe that the last time I was here, I was running away from the Blue Order because I stole their prized possession. I believe it was the Blue Crystal if I'm not mistaken.

I was hired by an anonymous client to steal an expensive jewel from the Blue Order. Everything was going well until I realized that I was being played.

Apparently, my anonymous client was trying to get me on the Blue Orders Most Wanted List. His plan was to hire me to steal the crystal and then he told the guards to up their security in secret.

When I found out about this, I was already out of the country. I was pretty furious and I hunted down that bastard but could never find him.

Ever since then, I stayed away from Gora City and The Estela Country. I'm surprised that they haven't caught me yet but I can't let my guard down just because the authorities ain't on my tail yet.

Now then, Hazel told me to find information on Shoda Yuuto and said that I'll likely find something at his shop called The Mithril Star. The problem with that is the store wasn't even there.

I'm not saying that all his stuff were gone while the building remained. I'm saying that the entire store building and all.

There was nothing left to say a store was here or even the building. There was just a big gap between the buildings now.

I wouldn't have noticed until I saw a big crowd staring at the space between buildings.

"What the hell happened here?" I asked.

"Not sure. The Mithril Star used to be here but now it's just . . . Gone." One of the guys looking at the scene told me.

There's no way that it's gone. I took a closer look to see if there's any illusion magic being used but found nothing.

You gotta be kidding me. Hazel isn't going to like this, I'm sure of that.

-Hazel's POV-

"What do you mean that The Mithril Shop isn't there?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs to where I disrupted the transmission.

"What I mean is that the building that held the shop ain't there no more. There's just a big gap between the stores now." Billy told me.

How is that even possible?! It's not like the shop just grew legs and walked on its own!

I was about to yell that at Billy but held in my anger. There's no point in getting frustrated because that will just make matters worse.

I controlled my anger and continued my conversation with Billy Mercer.

"Is there anything at all that you could find that could lead us to Shoda Yuuto?" I asked.

"Nothing so far but I'll try looking around. I just called you because I thought you needed to know this."

"Well, thank you for informing me about this because this is something that I need to know."

After that, I ended the transmission from the mirror and told the bandits inside to put it away. I then sat in my chair and tried to comprehend what was going on.

The fact that the entire shop was gone was really strange. I've never heard of something like that.

I've heard of people going missing, belongings, even their damn carriage goes missing but an entire building at that? That's clearly absurd right there.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to expect now. The fact that this had to be Shoda Yuuto's doing makes me think more madness will appear in his path.

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