Chapter 28: The Ancient City

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After my conversation with the king, I was now currently helping Whitney set up her new shop in Trinity City. 

The reason why she's in Trinity City is that her old shop was a bit small and she wanted a more spacious building. Also, the reason why she's able to get a better building is that she's covered by the king.

Why? Because she's now the new personal alchemist to the king. 

When Ash got fired and sent to the dungeon, I recommended Whitney as the new personal alchemist. Since she's the new personal alchemist now, she's now also a noble.

Anyway, I was helping her put all her stuff in her new shop. It was about two times bigger than her old one and wasn't cramped inside so she could move freely.

"Thank you for helping me get all my things inside." Whitney thanked me.

"No problem," I told her.

Kenji, Yuno, and Iris were also helping packing all her stuff in the new shop. Nami, however, was n her cat form taking a nap.

Once we were done setting up her shop, we then took it easy. It wasn't very tiring for Kenji, Yuno, or me but it was to Iris and Whitney. Since neither of them is like me or Kenji and Yuno, they got too tired so we just took it easy after we're done.

I was thinking about setting up my shop now that I'm in Trinity City but I'm not sure where I should put it. I guess I can look around while also just sightseeing.

"Hey, how about after we rest a little, we go take a look around the city?" I asked Whitney.

"Sure. That sounds like fun." Whitney agreed.

Her smile was enough to see her in a different light. It was very pleasant and soothing for some reason.

Hmm? Why am I feeling an ominous presence?

When I looked around, I couldn't find where that presence came from. Maybe it was just my imagination.

Anyway, after we were done resting, we then headed out to explore the city. 

This place looked nicer than Gora City but it also gave off an ancient atmosphere. Like it's been here far longer than the other cities in this world.

I'm not surprised since this place is called The Ancient City. It was said that this city was one of five that were built on this continent. 

I can't remember what the other names the cities were called but I knew their nicknames. The City of Magic, The Dwarven City, The Forbidden City, and The Desert City.

They're all places I would like to take a look at and plan to. Until then, I stay in The Ancient City and see what this place has to offer.

As we walked around the city, I saw a bigger diverse of people than back in both Gora City and Kald Town. Maybe in the northern areas, races are various.

If that's the case then I'm worried about what happens in the south. Also, if the south and north are polar opposites with races then it looks like the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Anyways, as we walked around, we saw the architecture. It looked very fantasy like, like everything here but it also gave off a modern theme to it as well. 

What I mean is that this city may look ancient of some parts but it also gives it a modern image too. I saw a bunch of shops from bakeries, blacksmiths, and also trades.

When I looked near an alley, I saw some suspicious deal going down like in those movies. One of them had nappy and long black hair and was giving some dude in a trench coat a pouch likely filled with coins.

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