Chapter 97: Retribution

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-Hazel's POV-

More months have passed by and nothing has changed. 

I was in ragged cloth used as clothes and was covered in dirt and filth like some homeless hobo. My hair was beyond terrible and had all sorts of dirt and filth on me.

I looked at my wall and saw the claw marks indicating how long I've been imprisoned. 

Suddenly, my cell was opened by a soldier with a couple others with him.

"It's time to go, Prisoner." He told me.

I had no choice but to comply because if I didn't, they would've dragged me out of my cell. So, I obediently obeyed and walked out of my cell peacefully.

He stopped me at first before I could leave my cell properly. He then pulls out new shackles for me. 

These shackles were special though. They cancel out my magic energy just like the seal that's in my cell. 

I knew what they were getting at and raised my arms toward him so he could put them on. Once the Anti-Magic shackles were put on, we proceeded to walk out of the dungeon. 

What's currently happening is a prison transfer. I've cause alot of trouble when I was free and there are alot of counties that want me dead.

Unfortunately for them, I'm not allowed to die but to suffer. So, as a deal, I will be transferred to all the countries that I've caused trouble in and will be utterly humiliated by every one of the countries.

We made it outside where a prisoner carriage was waiting for us. There was a large cage on the carriage where the prisoner was going to be caged in. 

This large cage is mostly used for dangerous criminals or monsters. Since I can use powerful magic and used to be the leader of a criminal organization where even the Killers For Hire feared me, this cage was, no doubt, meant for me.

"Get inside, Prisoner." The soldier told me and pushed me along. 

I didn't say a word and did as he said. Once I was in the cage, the cage door was shut and magic markings glowed. 

Ah, so they're using magic canceling inscriptions in case I break out of the shackles, huh. These guys are as cautious as always.

We didn't move immediately because there weren't that many soldiers present. There were about three soldiers here and four if you include the driver who's also a soldier.

After waiting three minutes, about a dozen soldiers arrived ready for departure. Goodness, there's quite a lot of soldiers here.

Well, considering that they're transporting me, it's understandable. We then took off and headed to a country south from here. 

I believe it was The Floze Country. They're pretty strong on the slavery side and if since I'm heading over there, I might end up as some fat noble's little slave.

As I thought this, we came across a broken down carriage. The soldiers noticed and looked at the scene. 

The soldier leader walked up and tried to talk to the people with the crashed carriage. While he did this, the rest of the soldiers remained vigilant and examined their surroundings for enemies. 

All I did was stay in my cage with my head down. There was nothing I could do right now so I just remained silent.

That's when I saw a shadow on the floor move from the soldier's shadow near me. It then merged with my shadow and talked to me. 

[It's. Time."] It told me.

An evil smile appeared on my face because I knew what this meant. Just then, I heard a soldier grunt and looked at the scene in a flash. 

It appears that the person who owned the broken down carriage killed the leader soldier. As the leader soldier fell, the rest of the soldiers made formation and attacked the man. 

The soldier didn't even take two steps until some of them fell to the ground. When this happened, the soldiers started to run around like chickens with their heads cut off. 

There was no formation or anything. They were all running around trying to save themselves. 

That's when each and every one of them started to fall, one by one. No one could find the person doing this and the soldiers continued to fall.

It didn't take long until the whole group was slaughtered. After they were all killed, the shadow went over to my cage door and opened it for me. 

I then got out and stretched my legs.

"What took you so long?" I asked the shadow.

"Do you know how hard it is to actually sneak someone out of Trinity City's Kingdom's dungeon? You're lucky that we arranged the transfer otherwise, you would've rotten in that cell for life."  

A man about in his thirties appeared and spoke to me. He was the man who had the broken down carriage but that wasn't his original form. 

He soon transformed into his true self which was a man in his twenties, black and white short hair, and was wearing a suit like some diplomat. 

"Well, I guess I should thank you for helping me," I told him.

"Please don't. I'm just here to do my job. Besides, if the Witch Bandit started thanking people, I'm sure your image would be ruined." 

I laughed at his comment. As usual, Mime always has that smart ass mouth of his. 

"Alright, we should get moving. Boss told me to send you to him." Mime explained.

"Really? Was it Zane that told you to do this?" I asked.

"Yeah, Boss said that he needed you and knew that you were pretty useless in the cell." 

"Gee, thanks," I grumbled.

"Anyway, we need to move out before the assassins get here." 

"Assassins?" I asked while getting concerned.

"Yep. You should've known that there would be assassin's after you." 

Well, I did know that but I didn't expect them to be after me now. 

"Come on, we need to hurry. It won't take long before those assassins arrive." Mime then started walking and away. 

I followed along and so this the shadow that merged with my shadow. Free at last! 

Now then, time to get some payback on Shoda Yuuto. 

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you'll read more of them. Please comment on the chapter to tell me what you think and vote on it if you think it deserves it.

Also, share this book with your friends to spread the word about it and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

See Ya!

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