Chapter 40: Preparing For The Worst

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"I'm glad you can make it, Mr. Shoda." The King told me.

When Kenji and Yuno came back to the shop to inform me about sudden events that I happened, I knew what was happening. The enemy made their move first.

Now, I don't know much about the enemy but I have a few ways to find out. I'll have to figure out who we're dealing with after my talk with the King.

"So, what happened?" I asked the King.

"We received word that one of our weapon forts have been raided by bandits." 

Okay, so we're dealing with bandits, now I know who we're dealing with. Something about this weapon fort makes me nervous though.

"Could you tell me what kind of weapons were inside the fort?" I asked.

"It was a highly secure fort that stored magic-based weapons. Some of them are just low-grade weapons but there are a couple of high-grade magic weapons that were also there. When my soldiers investigated the aftermath of the raid, all the weapons were gone including the high-grade ones." 

I see. So, the weapons the bandits have are magic-based. 

It'll be troublesome but nothing too serious. But, I need to know what those high-grade magic weapons are before I make any more conclusions.

There was something bothering me though. If the fort was heavily secured then how did bandits get inside?

When I asked the King that, he was just as perplexed. I think I know how the bandits got inside but I don't think I should inform The King about this.

Actually, I think it's best that I should inform him because we need to make sure other forts don't have the same problem.

"Your Highness, I believe that the reason the fort was easily raided despite its heavy security is that there was an inside man."

The King was confused. Really?

These people don't know that term? Come on.

I then reiterated my statement making it more clear to him. Once the King realized what I meant, he called some guards and told them to head to any nearby forts and inspect for any moles.

That's great and all but I think it'll be a waste of time. If my gut is right then by the time the inspection is over, either the battle has already started or it'll already be over.

Knowing bandits, they're selfish hotheads that won't think of backup plans because they think they can win this. Unfortunately, you should always have a plan so even if I think they won't have a backup plan, that doesn't mean I'm not going to make one.

Even if the enemy is an idiot, that doesn't mean you should underestimate them. I don't plan on letting foolish bandits make me think that I shouldn't be prepared for the worst outcome.

Anyway, I then asked the King about what the high-grade weapons were. There were four high-grade weapons in total.

There was a sword that could cut anyone and their wounds couldn't heal, a battle axe that sends a big shock wave of energy when striking something, a spear that could piece shields or anything used to defend yourself, and a dagger that cannot only paralyze you but after the paralysis is done, it sends a shockwave of pain through your entire body. That dagger is like getting stabbed with multiple needles over and over again times ten. 

Geez, these weapons sound like a major pain to deal with both figuratively and literally. Good thing I have a plan to deal with the people carrying those weapons.

After I was done talking with the King, I left the Throne room with Kenji while Yuno stayed to guard the royal family on my order. 

"Master, why is it that you're doing this?" Kenji asked me.

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