Chapter 71: The Storm

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-Fate's POV-

Something doesn't seem right. 

When I looked at the beach, I saw that the ship was finally gone because the ocean sunk it deep down in the water. What's bothering me is not only the raging water at the beach but also the dark clouds appearing. 

The wind started to pick up drastically and it was giving me a bad feeling. It was also giving me a familiar feeling.

"We must be going now." The man named Fatum told us.

He and the woman named Sors then left us near the Temple where we took shelter. That's when I went outside and saw the sudden storm coming.

"Whoa, I didn't expect a storm," Nami commented.

"That's because this storm wasn't caused by natural causes," I told her.

"Huh? Then where did this storm come from?" She asked me.

"I'm afraid that this was caused by a Divine being." 

". . . Do you mean Oena?" 

She was correct.

"Yes. I believe Oena is involved in this and if she is, we need to evacuate the city now." 

Saying this, I call a few priests and order them to get all the people out of the city. I also told one of them to warn the King.

Once they got their orders, they left in a hurry to vacate the city.

"Are you sure that Oena is involved? Why would she get involved in this now?" Nami asked.

"It's because of Yuuto."

"What does Yuuto have to do with this?" This time, it was Iris who asked me.

Right, I forgot that Yuuto doesn't want the others to find out about his secret. I'll have to make something up.

"It seems that Yuuto angered Oena by dealing with her problem which was Edgar." 

"But she didn't do anything to get rid of him. Why didn't she get rid of Edgar when he first came back?" Nami asked.

"I'm not sure." 

"I thought you were an Oracle?" 

"I am but even when I can see the future, I don't necessarily have all the answers." 

"Then what do we do then?" Nami asked with concern.

"We need to leave the city at once. If we stay here then we'll likely get caught up in the storm." 

"Wait, is the storm that bad?" 

"Yes. If I'm right about this storm then we need to leave before we all get caught in it." 

Nami and Iris didn't say anything else and followed me so we could leave the city. I hope we'll make it in time before things get any worse.

That's when the earth started to shake. 

No way . . . An earthquake?!

This is bad. This is really, really bad!

"We need to move, now!" 

we broke off in a run to escape the city. The earthquake got stronger and the buildings began to collapse. 

We were close to one of the collapsing buildings and it was about to crush us. We tried to move out of the way but we weren't fast enough. 

I thought we were about to die until I felt something pull on me and I was the pulled away from the collapsing building. 

"That was a close one! If I hadn't gotten here in time, you guys would've been crushed. Ya don't have to thank me." I heard a person with a southern accent.

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