Chapter 60: Going Down Memory Lane

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It was dead at night and everyone was asleep except for me.

I had a bunch of things going on in my mind that I couldn't just sleep it off. After dealing with Mindy and the Oracle, I have a lot of questions.

One of them is who is The Phantom Pirate? Apparently, this guy wants revenge or something. 

Who could he want revenge on? Who is he anyway?

Ahhh! I don't know what to do!

As I continued to wrack my brain around The Phantom Pirate's reason for doing all this, something else came to mind. 

Maybe Leontine's memories can help me. She might've encountered this guy before or she could know a thing or two about the ghostification I witnessed.

Alright, let's do this . . . Oh yeah, I forgot that the last time I went in her memories, I was dragged out. 

Great, I had a good plan but it got immediately shot down when I figured out the one flaw in my plan. Damn it!

The do I do now? I can't figure out who this Phantom Pirate with Leontine's memories so what now?

Hmm, maybe there's a time limit on the memories. If you think about it, it's kind of like a window chance. 

You go in and have a time limit before you get caught. So maybe, if I can figure out the time limit I have before I'm caught, I can use that and go back to Leontine's memories. 

The problem with that is, there might not be a time limit and if I go back, I might get dragged out for good. If I'm gonna get some answers, I need to play this smart.

Since this Phantom Pirate is, well, a pirate, then I need to go in Leontine's memories that only revolve around them. With that set, I focused on one memory involving pirates, the memory I was in before. 

When I focused on this memory, I found myself back on the ship where we left off before. That means the ocean waves are about to get me.

Oh crap!!!

I was back against the wall and saw the waves coming at me at top speed.

"Leontine Hamilton!" Oena boomed at Leontine.

The wave then hits us and we were now underwater. Wait, how come I'm also under water?

Crap, I can't breathe! I went began to swim up to the surface. 

When I finally made it before I drowned, I noticed that the ship Leontine was in was now sinking. Leontine then resurfaced from the water. 

How did she get out of her cage? As I thought about that, I heard someone call out to Leontine.

"Damn you, Leontine Hamilton! I swear that I'll get my vengeance on you!" It was the pirate with the thick black beard.

Leontine didn't say anything but had a sympathetic face. Did she feel guilty for the Pirates' demise?

"I won't forget this! I will kill you even if it's the last thing I do! I will make you suffer!" 

Such hate and hostility. Also, it's their fault for taking Leontine out to sea anyway, so why get so worked up when it's your blunder?

"Those damn fools. They keep that up they'll likely not be able to go to the afterlife until they get what they want." Leontine muttered.

As I continued to observe the memory, I felt a dark presence behind me. I turned around and saw a big wave coming at me. 

Crap, Oena's not done! 

I tried to swim away but couldn't, considering that there was nowhere to hide. As the giant ocean wave got closer, I felt something grab me. 

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