Chapter 73: The Divine Punishment

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You gotta be kidding . . .

The goddess of the sea is a ten-year-old girl? What kind of anime cliche is this?!

I'm mean seriously! I've seen enough anime to know a scenario like this.

The goddess is a little girl . . . I'm not sure if my brain can take anymore.

The little goddess standing before me looked like a ten-year-old in some divine white toga dress. She was carrying a trident and had some kind of golden headband on her head.

Actually, the fact that she's a little girl does resemble her behavior. I was just wrong about her being a five-year-old since she looks like a ten-year-old.

Despite that, I'm still awestruck at the scene I'm witnessing. In some of the manga I've read, the main protagonist would meet a powerful figure like a queen or a goddess.

Usually, when you think about something like those two, you would imagine a graceful person that's highly respected only to be disappointed when they actually see the person they thought as graceful to be some adolescent child. To make things worse, not only do they have the appearance of a child but they also have the personality of one which makes things even more ridiculous.

Man, why did I have to be one of those situations now? Well, considering that I've read and or watched similar circumstances, maybe I could use that to my advantage.

"Well, don't you have anything to say? You're in the presence of a divine being. I expect you to get on your knees and bow before me." The goddess commented.

I suddenly felt a blood vessel pop and my plan to do things peacefully just left the room. 

"I'm not sure if I should." I coldly said.

"What did you say?" 

My little comment seemed to piss off the goddess. Good.

"You dare speak to a divine being in that manner?! Show some respect! I could kill you in an instant!"

Is she an idiot? Didn't she try that with Leontine and failed?

Whatever. Regardless of her position as a divine being, I don't show anyone respect unless they deserve it.

"I only show respect to people who deserve it and what you've been doing doesn't deserve my respect." 

My deviance began to anger the childish goddess. Even the mermaids that were in the room were getting a little angry.

"So, you're just like her, huh. Even though you're not from this world, you have the same attitude as that other Chapinin."

So Leontine also acts like this towards the gods? I'll have to ask her about her encounters.

"This is getting us nowhere. Let's just get down to business and get this over with. Your presence is already sickening as it is." 

Wow, not only does she act like a child but also a bitch. I will now forever call her The Adolescent Bitch. 

"Now then, you are here because I'm going to decide the appropriate punishment for you." 

"Punishment? For what?" I jeered at The Adolescent Bitch.

"You were on the ocean which is my territory. Not only that but you were also in the city that highly respects me." 

This little . . .

"First off, I only stayed in the city because your Oracle thought I could help her with a problem she was having and I did." 

"And that resulted in entering my domain which is forbidden." 

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