Chapter 56: The Arrival

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"Damn it, Billy! This is what happens when you act before you think!" Nami scolded Billy.

"How was I suppose to know that that Monster Skunk releases a stink bomb when it dies?!" Billy argued with Nami.

"You would've known if you had listened to me! Thanks to you, we're all covered in that damn skunks stink!" 

You see, while we were traveling to Yona City, we encountered a Monster Skunk which is basically a giant carnivorous skunk that can shoot sticky gas at its enemies. 

When we fought the beast, Billy was about to finish it off but Nami tried to stop him because when the Monster Skunk dies, it releases whatever gas it stored up. It's kind of like a parting gift for its enemies.

Anyways, Billy didn't listen to Nami and it resulted in us getting covered up, head to toe, in the skunk's stink. It wasn't really a problem since I have [Cleanse] but the smell was really bad.

I never got sprayed by a skunk before but I'm guessing this is what it's like . . . Only ten times worse. 

"I can't believe you would do something so reckless!" Nami bickered with Billy.

"That's what I do! You think I plan out things accordingly like Yuuto?" 

"Obviously not since you didn't consider the possibilities of that skunk spraying us when it dies." 

"Who would?! It was a monster and it had to die otherwise we would've died instead." 

"That's why we're like this! You always do you're own thing instead of thinking of what might happen."

"And again, that's what I do. I'm a reckless, dangerous piece of work. You of all people should know that." 

"Unfortunately, I do. Which brings me back to why I told you to stop before you killed the skunk. I knew you were going to do something reckless and look at what happened!" 

"Then why try to stop me?! I'm not a good listener. Never have and likely never will if I keep up this behavior of mine." 

"Then try to listen and think before you act on your own." 

"That's impossible considering that it's me we're talking about." 

After that, Billy walked off into the forest while Nami stayed and crossed her arms, looking pissed. Geez, those two act like an old married couple.

As I thought about Nami and Billy's relationship, Iris came up to me and tugged on my cloak.

"Yuuto, can you use your magic to clean us?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, sure." 

I then cast [Cleanse] on all of us except Billy since he was out of range. Once we disposed of the skunk's corpse and got everything ready for departure, we then continued our journey to Yona City.

By the way, I made sure to use [Cleanse] on Billy so that we didn't have to smell him the entire ride. It wouldn't bother Kenji and Yuno since they can't breathe anyway but it would bother us since we could.

Nami was in her cat form and laying on Iris's lap. Billy was in the far back of the carriage as a lookout. 

They were both still pissed at each other and didn't talk to one another. I could feel their threatening aura coming from them.

I tried to ignore them and try and work on a few projects I've been thinking about. Since I created the Psychic Crystal, I thought about a few inventions I could use them for.

Like the Music Box that puts people to sleep, I was thinking of something that could agitate people to make them attack one another. I could use that on bandit hideouts and watch as they attack one another.

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