Chapter 124: The Army

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Okay, if I'm going to take down those spirits without any casualties both human and automaton, I need an army.

For something like this, I've already come up with a plan. I'm going to make combat bots.

Like Gear and Anne, they're going to have a similar design but these bots won't be building anything. They're going to be used for fighting the spirits and their army.

I'd figure that those spirits won't take any chances with attacking us alone so they'll likely be bringing an army with them. Since that's the case, I'm going to need an army of my own to beat them.

I didn't waste any time and soon started to work on the Combat Bots. I had Elizabeth and Sapphire assist me.

The first thing we did was build the endoskeleton of the combat bot. This was a simple process because the combat bots and construction bots have similar structures.

The only difference is that the combat bots joint structure is more flexible than the construction bots. The construction bots are meant for building so they don't really need to move around that much but the combat bots are different.

My plan is to make these combat bots adapt to any fighting style. In order to do that, they need to move like a human would when fighting.

This is why I need their bodies to be flexible. An automaton was built to look and act human so flexibility is a must, but a bot like my construction bots was built for functionality so flexibility doesn't really matter in this case.

But, my combat bots will need to be flexible in order to be functional. I guess you could say that these Combat Bots will be both like an automaton and a construction bot.

Anyway, once I was done with the endoskeleton, I proceeded with the features. There was one small problem though.

"Hmm, I can't seem to find a way to give it an elemental ability," I muttered to myself.

I was planning to give the bots elemental properties but it seemed to be too complicated and sophisticated for it to work. I guess the bots aren't advance as I want them to be.

No matter, I'll fix that problem after I deal with the spirits. For now, I'll give them weapons like swords and stuff.

I may not have been able to give the bots elemental abilities, I was able to put tracking spells and a few other good features to be useful in the fight.

Okay, now that that's done, Let's do the exterior. Like Gear and Anne, I made the exterior with metal plates and revealed the joints.

Once I was done with that, I strengthened the metal plates so that it could withstand powerful attacks from both magical and physical abilities. The endoskeleton was also strengthened because it needed to withstand its own power in order to stay functional

Lastly, I colored the combat bot. The metal plating was made out of mithril reinforced with adamantite so it gave off a black and silver color but I decided to repaint it.

I then painted the combat bot in a green camouflage color. I did this because since these bots were going to be my army, they should also look the part.

I'll play with the color scheme later. For now, this will do.

"Alright, the combat bot seems to be progressing. All I need to do now is to test it out."

I then looked at Elizabeth and Sapphire who assisted me in making the combat bot.

"Elizabeth, Sapphire, could you test out the bots fighting ability?" I asked them.

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