Chapter 68: The Battle Of Misty Beach

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-Edgar's POV-

My time has finally arrived. 

The moment I sent that little sailor off to shore, I began my plan to invade Yona City. Since it's summer, there's alot of people on the beach.

With all these people just relaxing, I'll be able to send my men down so they can possess and turn the civilians. I need as many ghosts as possible to increase the spread. 

I want to completely infest this city with ghosts without that boy getting in my way. I know he's going to intervene but hopefully, I'll be able to complete my mission before he get's involved.

Even if he does get in the way, I'll be sure to deal with him before that happens. As I continue to think about my plan, one of my subordinates called me.

"Captain, we're close to Misty Beach!" 

Misty Beach was where we were going to start our invasion. It was also the place where we abducted that girl from before when we first came here. 

Alright, it's showtime!

-Fate's POV-

It took some convincing but I was able to finally get the King to let me use the [Holy Lanterns].

Once I got all the [Holy Lanterns] that were made, I quickly headed over to the beach to plant them. I just hope nothing happens when we get there.

. . . Even if I pray for no trouble, I know fully well that it will never happen. 

When I arrived at Misty Beach, I saw that there was a big fog surrounding it. I knew that this was something bad and rushed in the fog where the beach was engulfed in.

When I did, I saw people running and screaming while ghost pirates were chasing them. Oh no, this is bad.

The situation was getting worse by the second. I need to try and stop it.

"All of you! Evacuate the people and hold back the spirits! The rest will assist me in planting the lanterns. Once you plant them, turn them on so it can drive back the ghosts." I told the priests and priestesses.

They followed my orders and ran to the beach to help the people. As they did that, I got what remained of the group and got them to help me plant the lanterns that Yuuto invented.

As we began to plant the lanterns and turn them on, the ghosts were beginning to retreat. Good, this is good.

Once the ghosts were away from the people, the priests then started to get them out of the way. I started to feel a glimmer of hope.

That is until I heard cannon fire in the distance in the ocean. I then heard something coming towards us at an alarming rate.

One of the [Holy Lanterns] then got destroyed and a big hole was what was left. That and also a cannonball. 

Where in the world did that come from? I looked over at the ocean but couldn't see anything because of that fog was in the way. 

When I finally found what fired that cannon, I instantly regretted it. What I saw on the ocean was a pirate ship slightly hovering over the water.

A ghost ship? I've never seen one before. 

More cannons were fired at that resulted in more [Holy Lanterns] getting destroyed. There were only a couple left that weren't planted but even with the remaining lanterns, it won't be any good since they'll get shot down. 

This is getting really bad. 

As if things couldn't get any worse, they just did. I looked over to where the ghost ship was and saw more of them appearing out of the fog. 

I could also hear screaming from where the ships were. That's when figures from the ship began to jump off and charge over to the beach. 

They had swords in the air and were doing a battle cry. This got the people in more of a panicked state and they soon ran to where the city was.

This didn't do much good because the ghost pirates began to float in the air and hover over people and possessed them. They then exited the civilians bodies and continued the process.

Something was different though. Usually, when the victims were possessed, it would take some time for the ghostification to kick in but it seems that the people turned into ghosts almost instantly.

That made the situation worse because when the people were ghostified, they then did what the pirates did and possessed other people too. Due to the sudden increase in ghosts, it seemed like there was no way to stop it. 

If this continued then the whole city will become one big ghost city just as predicted. It's like some plague.

I was too shocked to move or act and that's when one of the ghost pirates floated towards me. He was about to try something but was killed instantly. 

That shook me out of my shock and I looked over to the person that saved me. It was the girl with the silver hair. 

I believe her name was Iris. 

"Are you okay?" Iris asked me.

"Y-yeah. Thank you." 

Just Iris was walking towards me another ghost appeared.

"Look out!" I warned her.

Before Iris could react, the ghost was killed instantly by another person. 

Hang on . . . That's the one from my vision! 

It was the cat-eared girl! 

"You should be more careful, Iris. Yuuto may have hired me to protect you but the least you could do was take care of yourself a little." She told Iris.

"Sorry. I'll be more careful." 

"Well, it's good that you now know. Anyway, I'm assuming that you're the Oracle?" The cat-eared woman walked over to me.

"Y-yes, I'm the Oracle. My name is Fate Rivers." I introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you. Since this place is getting worse by the minute, we'll handle the ghosts while you and the holy brigade evacuate the people." The cat-eared woman told me.

"Understood," I said. 

I then ran off to get the civilians out of here. I looked back to see how Iris and the other woman was doing and saw that they were one-hitting the ghosts.

How were they able to do that? To deal with ghosts or any undead, you would need a holy item and those are only found in churches or some other holy sanctuary.

Even then, it would still be impossible to possess one unless you were part of the church so how did they obtain holy weapons? Not only that but the holy weapons don't even look like our holy weapons. 

They look like regular weapons you would find at any blacksmith shop. The one Iris was using even looked like a gardening tool!

I continued to wonder how those two obtained those unusual holy weapons until I thought about Yuuto. Only someone like him would be able to pull something like that off.

He made those [Holy Lanterns] so I can't be surprised.

Well, I leave the fighting to you now, Shoda Yuuto. I smiled as I ran over to the people to go help them.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you'll read more of them. Please comment on the chapter to tell me what you think and vote on it if you think it deserves it.

Also, share this book with your friends to spread the word about it and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

See Ya!

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