Chapter 116: The Elemental Spirits

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-Nami's POV-

-A few minutes after Yuuto and others left-

I didn't expect the Prince to show up all of a sudden.

To be honest, I was actually glad that he did get here when he did. If he hadn't, Yuuto would've painted this entire shop red.

I could tell in his eyes that he was about to kill that Prince. I don't really blame him considering how pushy and rude the prince was.

Regardless, seeing that side of Yuuto was enough to scare me. This is one of the reasons why I will never get on Yuuto's bad side.

Suddenly, one of the maids walked out of Yuuto's portal door. She had green hair and was about Iris's age.

I think her name was Emerald. Yuuto has some weird tastes in names.

Behind her was a woman with red hair and was about eighteen to nineteen years old. I think her name was Rose.

Again, Yuuto had weird tastes.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"Master called us over here to watch over you, especially the possessed woman named Scarlett," Emerald informed me.

"Oh, I see."

So, Yuuto's worried about Scarlett's calvary, huh. Considering that Yuuto had a hard time dealing with her, I'm not surprised.

Still, though, I don't see how these two can do anything. If Yuuto had trouble with Scarlett, then I find it hard to believe that these two could manage.

But, since this is Yuuto we're talking about, I assume that he has something up his sleeve. I just need to be patient.

Just then, Iris came down the stairs again. She went back up after all the fuss from earlier was over with.

. . . There was also the fact that Whitney showed up. It seems that she still doesn't like her.

I'm surprised that Yuuto hasn't gone out with that Whitney girl. She seems like a nice person and they both seem to like each other.

Although, Yuuto was also nice to that Oracle girl. I wonder what would happen if both of them met each other.

I bet they would talk about Yuuto. That would be fun to watch.

While I was thinking this, three people came in the shop. They were all women and they had blue, light brown, and green hair.

"How may I help you today?" I asked them.

"We're looking for someone." The blue haired woman told me.

"Hmm? Sorry but this a shop so I'm afraid that we won't be of assistance." I told them.

"Don't worry, we already found what we want." The blue haired girl said.

What was she talking about? Suddenly, a scream was heard from upstairs.

That was Scarlett. Emerald then rushed over to see if Scarlett was alright, while Rose stayed behind.

"It's pointless. By the time she gets there, the vessel will already be gone." The blue-haired girl told us.

"Nami, you need to run away," Rose told me.

"W-who are these people?" I asked her.

"They're the ones that Master was so cautious over," Rose explained.

"Hmm. I'm assuming your Master is the black-haired boy who runs this shop, correct?" The blue-haired girl asked.

Rose didn't say anything and attacked the three woman in the shop. Before Rose could hit any of them, a powerful wind gust blew her away from them.

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