Chapter 34: Dress For The Occasion And Sudden Changes To The Plan

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Since we were heading to the castle to join some party, I called Nami and Kenji through telepathy and told them that we were heading to a party.

"Master, please be careful," Kenji told me.

"Be sure to bring back some of the food. I heard the Royals got all the expensive and tasty snacks." Nami told me.

I ignored Nami's request and ended the called. When I did this, we were in the carriage getting closer to the castle.

"So, Mr. Shoda, what's it like in Ogasawara?" Kalvin asked me.

Why is he asking me? Oh yeah, I forgot that I look like the people from Ogasawara.

"I'm sorry but I do not know. I wasn't born there or even been to that place. Although, I have been thinking of going there as one of my business trips."

"Really? Hmm, that's too bad. I was wondering what the place was like and since you looked like the people there, I thought you could enlighten me. My mistake." He apologized.

Even when he acts all nice and gentlemen like, he still gives off that creepy aura. Seriously, what's with this guy?

"That's quite alright. To be honest, I'm pretty curious about what the place is like as well." 

This wasn't a lie. Hearing about a place called Ogasawara would make anyone curious especially when you're from Japan. 

I wonder if it's advance with mecha robots and androids. That would be awesome!

I'm not really into science fiction all that much but mechas are cool regardless of the kind of genre it's in. That being said, if there were mecha robots, that would probably mean that there's likely giant monsters.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were giant monsters but witnessing something like that would probably be bad for me. Even if I can't die because of my immortality, I can still likely feel pain so if I run into a monster, I could very well get eaten alive and since I don't have any offensive magic spells, I won't be able to get out of that situation.

I could put up a force field to keep the monster from chewing me but I'm not sure how long it'll last and if I do go down the monster's stomach, who knows how long until its stomach acid starts to break my force field.

While I was in deep thought about getting eaten alive, Kalvin asked me another question.

"By the way, how is it that you know Ms. Rose?" 

"Oh, uh, I met her during my time in Kald Town. She's was getting attacked by bandits and my companions and I saved her."

 "I see. Well, I guess I should thank you for saving her. If you hadn't then we wouldn't have gotten such an impressive alchemist. Our old one didn't meet the standards when she came along and he even tried to get rid of her using bandits. I'm betting that those bandits, that you encountered when you saved Ms. Rose, were hired by that man as well.

Wow, this guy is spot on. He figured that the bandits from before were hired by Ash as well and he's right.

"It's no trouble. I was only there by coincidence but I'm glad I was of assistance." 

"Regardless, I would like to sincerely thank you for protecting Ms. Rose." 

Kalvin then bowed his head. Again, this guy's aura is still creepy!

Everything he does is just an act. I wonder what he's actually like. 

"I-it's no trouble." I managed to say.

Yuno then talked to me through telepathy.

"Master, this man isn't who he seems." 

"Yeah, I kind of got that from his aura he keeps emitting." 

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