Chapter 115: Catching up

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"Theodore?" I exclaimed in surprise.

Theodore saw me and smiled. He then returned his gaze back at James who was still holding on to me.

"James, could you please release Yuuto?" He asked politely.

"You have no business here, Theodore! I suggest you leave while you can," James sneered at him.

This just made Theodore glare at James more. It actually shook James up a bit.

"It would be wise for you to let go of Yuuto, James. This man was capable of taking down Hazel, who is known to be the most ruthless bandit. If he was able to take her on and survive, then taking down the likes of you would be a cakewalk."

Hey, why are you making me sound like some kind of ruthless brute? Could you at least tone it down a few notches?

James thought for a moment then released me while making a "Tch" sound. He then stomped his way out of my shop.

Before he left my shop, he turned towards me and said something.

"You will regret not taking my proposal, Shoda Yuuto. Mark my words," He threatened me.

He then left my shop and slammed my door in the process. Well, that take cares of that problem.

"Thank goodness that's over with," I muttered.

"Yeah, tell me about it. If I had gotten here a little later, this entire shop would've been painted red." Theodore stated.

Again with making me look like some brute. Please show mercy on me.

"A-anyway, it's a surprise to see you, Theodore," I told him.

"Likewise. I never expected to hear that you were here, Yuuto. I heard about a mysterious shop that suddenly appeared overnight and heard that it was called The Mithril Star. I had a hunch that you were here and I rushed over to see if I was right," Theodore explained.

"When did you even get here?" I asked.

"We've actually been here for quite a while. Maybe about half a month."

"Really? Why are you here anyway?"

"Sorry but that's confidential stuff. Please understand," Theodore kept his mouth shut.

"It's alright. If it's some kind of secret then I understand," I told him.

"That's a relief."

Theodore breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now then. I believe we have some catching up to do." Theodore told me.

"I guess we do." I said.

Since Theodore and I wanted to catch up and see what's been going on, we decided to leave the shop and find a place we could talk in private. I decided to bring Kenji and Yuno with me.

Alice and Whitney decided to join us too so it was the six of us going out. The others stayed back so they could watch the shop.

I was still anxious about leaving the shop unoccupied so I called Leontine and told her to get two of the auto maids to watch over the shop while I'm gone. Leontine confirmed my orders and soon got the maids to guard the shop.

With that thought in mind, I was able to calm down a little bit.

We got on a carriage that was guarded by soldiers and were driven around the city. The carriage soon stopped and we found ourselves at a shabby looking bar.

It was likely empty which was the point of coming here. We got out the carriage and quickly went inside.

The guards stood outside by orders of Theodore. Once we were inside, we found at table for four and quickly sat down.

Alice and Theodore sat on one side and Whitney and I sat on the other side.

"So, how have you been?" I asked Theodore.

"Well, after you left, I had to make a few reports and also deal with taking care of Ms. Rose."

When Theodore mentioned Whitney, she blushed and lowered her head.

"I hope she wasn't too much trouble."

"Oh, on the contrary, she was perfectly fine. She was mostly cooped up in a lab that was reserved for her and worked effortlessly on her potions. She actually skipped meals sometimes and the maids had to drag her out of the room so she could eat."

Heh, that sounds like a hassle. I looked over at Whitney and saw that she was beet red and fidgeting.

"I-I focus on my potions when I'm nervous. S-since I was at the castle where the royal family was, it was hard to calm down so I made potions to ease my anxiety," Whitney told us.

"Mm, Whitney was very zoned in on her potions. I believe that she even skipped sleeping for about two to three days, one time," Alice added.

Whitney's face turned even redder.

Wow, that's some anxiety. I'm surprised that she's still breathing at this point.

"By the way, how was your trip here, Yuuto? I bet you had lots of adventures," Theodore bragged.

"You have no idea."

This was all I could say because if I told him all the crazy things that happened, he'd probably have a heart attack. Since I would want to prevent that, I only told him a few believable stories.

In the end, they were all still pretty shocked.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to go through something like that," Whitney muttered.

"Yeah, It's hard to believe that you managed to survive something like that," Theodore voiced his opinion.

I told them about the tsunami that happened while I was in Yona City. I left out the part where I was the one that stopped it and also meeting the loli goddess of water.

"Don't worry about it. I was able to survive it so it's no problem." I told them.

"Considering that you were able to take down Hazel, I guess it would be easy for you." Alice stated.

If only they knew. I kept that part to myself and listened in.

"Well, it's nice that we were able to talk again." I told them.

"Yes. Speaking with the person that saved out lives and took down the perverted messenger was very enjoyable." Alice told me.

Oh yeah, him. I wonder how Kalvin's doing anyway.

If I remember correctly, he's currently being held in the dungeon for brainwashing Evalyn and also in the attempted assassination of the royal family. I'm surprised that he hasn't been executed at this point.

While I was thinking this, Theodore made a serious face.

"Now then, Yuuto. I think it's time I told you something."

"Hmm? What is it?" I asked.

"It's about H-"

"Master, there's trouble at the shop!" Kenji interrupted Theo and informed me of major news.

"What?! What's going on?" I asked with worry.

"Emerald just informed me that three women arrived at the shop. They had blue, light brown, and green hair." He informed me.

Blue, light brown, and green hair? Don't tell me . . .

Shit! I quickly got out of my seat and ran for the door.

This isn't good!

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you'll read more of them. Please comment on the chapter to tell me what you think and vote on it if you think it deserves it.

Also, share this book with your friends to spread the word about it and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

See Ya!

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