Chapter 102: Sealing The Demon

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As soon as we were done fighting Infernus, we picked up Scarlett's body and head straight over to the others. 

When we arrived, everyone looked at us with shocked expressions.

"K-Karma, isn't that the Killer For Hire?" Yuno asked.

"Yeah and I'm leaving her with you," I told her.

"Huh?!" Nami and Billy both exclaimed in surprise.

"Relax, she won't do anything because I'm putting this on her," I told them while pulling out hand-cuffs."

"What are shackles going to do?! She can literally burn them off in no time!" Nami told me.

"Yeah, she ain't called The Pyro for nothing!" Billy agreed.

"Relax, these are magic-canceling shackles that'll keep Scarlett from using her magic. Although, it won't stop Infernus from taking control." 

"Who's Infernus?" Kenji asked.

"I'll explain later. Right now, I need you guys to take Scarlett and keep tied up until I return. If she wakes up, don't worry because all her magic powers are sealed and won't work unless I unlock the shackles. Also, the shackles can't break or uncuffed unless I do it." 

After my explanation, I left Scarlett with the Kenji and the others while Leontine, the maids, and I went back to the base through a portal. Once we got to the Base, I went to the lab along with Leontine while the maids scoured the base to do their cleaning jobs.

"Okay, so how much do you know about spirits?" I asked Leontine.

"Not that much actually since they're pretty rare in this continent. Not only that but Spirits are always the type that hides from others. It's one of the reasons why they possess people. It's to ensure that they don't get caught by us." She explained.

I see, so they're afraid that the humans and other races will use them to their advantage. I can see that.

"Alright, so how do we keep Infernus from taking over Scarlett's body? Better yet, is there a way to exorcise Infernus so she'll leave her body?"

Leontine took a moment to think about it then something clicked in her metallic head. 

"I don't know a way to get Infernus out of Scarlett's body but I might know a way to seal Infernus inside Scarlett to where she won't be able to possess her." 

"Really? What is it?" I asked.

Leontine looked around the lab for a few seconds then showed me a ring she found on one of the shelves. 

"What's the ring for?" I asked.

I was going to make a joke about it but I decided to leave that be. 

"This is our way to stop Infernus." She told me.

Again, I held all my jokes about the ring and let Leontine explain.

Apparently, that ring she's holding can help us keep Infernus from possessing Scarlett. It's just a normal ring but for it to work, we need to enchant it.

It's kind of like an Anti-Possession buff or something like that. Anyway, the way to enchant the ring is kind of like when I made Iris's ring to keep her eyes from causing bad-luck. 

Leontine gave me the ring so I could enchant it with the spell. I didn't know what the spell was until I went through my spells list on my menu.

I found the spell that I needed and then quickly cast [Anti-Possession] on the ring. The ring began to glow and then gave off a dark aura. 

"Did it work?" Leontine asked.

I looked at the ring and analyzed it and I confirmed that it was indeed enchanted with the spell. Well, that was pretty easy. 

The moment when we were done with making the ring, Yuno called me about something.

[Master, we have a situation!] 

[What's wrong?!]

[The Pyro's causing alot of trouble in the carriage. We had to stop so we could try to calm her down but she's not backing down.]

After hearing that, I opened up a portal and went through it. I near the carriage and saw that Scarlett was running away from the carriage. 

When she saw me, while I was still in my Karma disguise, she fumed at me and charged. She got really close to me until she got shot with a [Shock] spell and collapsed.

I looked over at the others and saw that it was Yuno who used the spell. I thanked Yuno and we quickly picked up Scarlett's body and got her back to the carriage.

After we did that, I then placed the ring on Scarlett's right-hand ring finger. When I did this, I started to feel an ominous aura coming from behind me.

When I turned around, I saw that Yuno and Iris were glaring at me.

"Master, what did you just do?" Yuno asked with a threatening tone.

"Yes, Yuuto. What were you doing?" Iris glared at me.

Crap, I didn't expect them to get that pissed. I knew they would get a little angry but I didn't expect something like this.

Knowing that my undying life was on the line, I quickly explained to them what I did. After my explanation, Yuno and Iris calmed down.

"You should've told us that before you put the ring on her," Yuno scolded me.

"Yuuto's heartless." Iris harshly told me.

After that situation was over, I went over to Nami and Billy who was keeping a distance from Scarlett.

"Are ya really going to bring her with us?" Billy asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. I need information about Scarlett's situation and see if I can help her." I explained.

"Huh? Scarlett's a psychopath. Someone like her can't be fixed even if it's you." Nami doubted me.

I'm pretty sure that I could fix a psychopathic person with the number of spells I can cast but I didn't bother telling Nami that. All I did was explain to them about Scarlett's situation.

"Wait, so we've been working with some kind of fire demon this whole time?!" Billy exclaimed.

"I-I've never noticed up until now. I always thought that was her personality." Nami stated.

It seems that both of them were in disbelief but I ignored them and went back to the carriage. The others did the same and we then headed off to the nearest town.

The nearest town was Cloak Town so we decided to head there. I want to move straight towards the city but with Scarlett with us, that may not happen for a while. 

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you'll read more of them. Please comment on the chapter to tell me what you think and vote on it if you think it deserves it.

Also, share this book with your friends to spread the word about it and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

See Ya!

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