Chapter 59: The Oracle And Chapinin

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After ghost Mindy was taken care of, the oracle told the doctor to take a few days off until he feels better. 

As for Sara, who witnessed her sister get exorcised, she was sent to the orphanage since she had no legal guardian. I didn't have it in me to apologize to her because I knew she would hate me. 

With those problems somewhat solved, it was finally time for my little chat with the Oracle herself. 

Her name was Fate Rivers, an oracle that's been alive for almost two hundred years. Apparently, the only way for people to become immortal is if the gods allow it. 

And here I thought I was the only one that could live forever. Good to know that I'm not anymore. 

Still, even though an oracle can be immortal, that doesn't mean they can't die. They simply say when they want to die. 

As for me, the only way I get rid of the immortality is by transferring it to someone else. 

Anyway, right now, we were currently at the Inn that we were staying at. Iris and Nami went out to look around while Kenji and Yuno stayed.

"I thought you wanted to talk in private? Having bodyguards doesn't really seem like you want to keep a secret from the others." Fate told me.

"I've been meaning to tell these two for a while so that's why they're here." 

"Really? You would tell these two excluding the other one? By the way, aren't they you're siblings? If that's the case then don't they already know?" Fate asked.

"No, they don't. There's a reason but I'm not going to go into details in it. All you need to know is that I've been wanting to tell Kenji and Yuno about my secret so that's why they're here." 

Fate stayed silent for a moment and nodded her head confirming my decision. 

"Alright, so where should we begin, Chapinin?" Fate asked me.

"First off, my name is Shoda Yuuto. Second off, let's begin with how you know about me. I'm guessing you got some kind of vision that involved me, correct?"

"That's correct. A couple days ago, I got a vision of Oena summoning a tsunami and pushing it towards the city. Her reason for doing so was because of you." 

Figures. I knew that me being here would cause trouble but I thought that if I lay low that I could stay hidden from Oena's vision but I guess that's a bust.

Also, I didn't actually think that Oena would call upon a tsunami to kill me. That was definitely unexpected on my part.

"So, what? Are you asking me to leave?" I asked.

"That was my original mission but that soon changed when we witnessed that ghost." 

"You mean Mindy." I corrected her.

 "Yes, my apologies. It seems that Mindy completely turned into a ghost. Not just her spirit but also her physical body. That's a first I've heard of such a thing." 

"Yeah, not only that but there's also the Phantom Pirate. It seems that he's the one that's pulling the strings." 

"Really now? Is he also a spirit?" Fate asked.

"I'm not sure. All I know is that this guy wants revenge but I have no idea why."

It was really weird. There's also the part where Mindy said I sensed like someone. 

Specifically, "Her". 

Who could that be anyway? I'll have to figure that out once I'm done with The Oracle. 

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